Title: 建築循環任務
Missions for Circular Architecture
Authors: 王維康
Wang, Wei-Kang
Kung, Shu-Chang
Keywords: 循環;系統;永續;地球本;Circular;System;Sustainable;Earth-Oriented
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: 建築思潮隨著時代演化不停的轉變,從20世紀初期試圖擺脫傳統形式,追求現代主義的「物本」,到了20世紀中期轉變為關心社會、追逐公共性、解放生活的「人本」。現今21世紀的時代,地球環境已累積大量耗損造成結構性的破壞,建築在營造與營運過程中消耗大量能源、製造出許多有害物質,是破壞地球的主要兇手之一。建築應該積極回應地球萬物變與不變的循環之道,邁向對建築佇立的基盤—大地之母採取「地球本」的循環任務。 循環是「價值」,任務是「系統」。企圖將建築從既往在社會產業鏈中單一環節的設計端、單一作品角色,拓展為整個系統服務。將建築生命週期從原本的拿取(Take)、製造(Make)、丟棄(Waste)的線性模式,轉變為借用(Borrow)、重塑(Reshape)、回到未來(Back to the Future)的循環系統模式。透過整全性的思考與設計,將建築與地球萬物的關係性緊密與平衡的連結,體現建築完整的生命週期,讓有形與無形的資源能有效地一再被重複利用,甚至昇華至超越。 本文第二、三、四章節架構「材料」、「技術」、「時間」三大主軸,以六件不同向度與尺度的自身建築作品作為任務執行與探索,追尋循環所創造的價值。內容回應建築材料取得與使用的方式,建築設計、興建、服務、拆解、再利用的技術,到建築承載時間、相融時間、延續時間的能力。企圖在思想與技術之間謙和地尋找建築與地球平衡相處的方法。文末歸納了對循環建築的三個目標,「動態生命的建築」、「從土地上解放的建築」、「從部分延展開的建築」,作為啟動對未來尋找更深層答案的出發點。
Architecture theories keep changing as time goes by, from the ''object oriented'' which attempts to break free from traditional forms and pursue modernism at early twentieth century, to the ''human oriented'' which turns out to social-care, publicity seeking and life liberation in the middle of 20 century. The great amount of wear and tear causes great structural damage on earth in 21 century. The process of construction and operation of architecture consume numerous energy, producing many damaging materials which is one of the factor that destroy the earth. Architecture should response actively to the circulation of earth, taking action to the mission of '' earth oriented '' which is the foundation where architecture stand. Circular is the ''value'', and mission is the ''system''. Architecture attempt to expand from the design part of the single sector, character of single work to the whole system services, transforming from the original ''Take '', ''Make'', ''Waste'' of the linear system to the ''Borrow'', ''Reshape'', ''Back to the future'' of the circular system. Through comprehensive thinking and design, connecting architecture and earth closely and harmoniously, embodying the completely life cycle of architecture and making reuse of tangible and intangible material effectively, even toward the transcendence. The chapter 2,3,4 are the framework of the three core concept: ''material'', technology'' and ''time''. The contents give a response to how we get and use the material, how we design, build, operate, disassemble and reuse, how a architecture carry, freeze, transport the time, by 6 different dimensions and scales own projects. The projects make an attempt to find out a way to get along with both architecture and earth modestly between thoughts and techniques. There're 3 goals summarized to the circular architecture at the end ,''Architecture with Dynamic Life'', ''Architecture liberate from Land'', ''Architecture extent from unit to the whole'', as the inception of pursuing a deeper solution in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259512
Appears in Collections:Thesis