作者: Wei-Kuo CHEN
Chun-Hung CHENG
公開日期: 3-一月-2019
摘要: A chemical vapor phase growth apparatus for growing films on substrates comprises of a thermostated lower heating element, including a plurality of carrier disks thereon, wherein each carrier disk further includes a plurality of substrates thereon for film deposition; a plurality of partitions, disposed above the lower heating element to define a plurality of sub-reaction chambers; a plurality of upper heating elements made of a plurality of thermostated upper heating units, disposed over the lower heating element by a gap to form reaction zones in each sub-reaction chamber; a gas inlet installed in each sub-reaction chamber to provide at least one precursor into the sub-reaction chamber; and a gas outlet installed in the chemical vapor phase growth apparatus to exhaust the gases.
官方說明文件#: C23C016/46
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/151498
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20190003053


  1. 20190003053.pdf

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