标题: 河滨公园棒(垒)球场使用后评估之研究-以台北市双园河滨公园棒(垒)球场为例
The Post-occupancy Evaluation of Riverside Baseball (Softball) Park– the Case of Shuangyuan Riverside Park in Taipei City
作者: 徐嘉良
Chia-Liang Hsu
Cheng-Ping Li
关键字: 使用后评估;使用者需求;河滨公园棒 (垒) 球场;层级分析法;post-occupancy evaluation;users’ needs;riverside parks’ baseball (softball) fields;analytic hierarchy process
公开日期: 1-十二月-2015
出版社: 国立交通大学体育室
Office of Physical Education
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 目的:在于瞭解台北市河滨公园棒 (垒) 球场使用者对于棒 (垒) 球场的使 用后评估。方法:运用层级分析法 (analytic hierarchy process, AHP) ,参考过去 研究对于运动设施的分类,建立层级架构及评估准则,探讨使用者对于棒 (垒) 球运动设施需求构面的影响要素。透过问卷调查法,瞭解使用者之需求,将问卷 分为学者专家问卷与使用者问卷。学者专家问卷以台北地区大专院校教授棒 (垒) 球课老师共5 人;使用者问卷以台北市双园河滨公园棒 (垒) 球场使用者,采立 意抽样法,共选取30 人。其后求得各评估准则之权重,拟定出棒 (垒) 球场规 划与服务之优先顺序。结果:使用者需求程度最高的是与“场地”相关的属性, 表示使用者对于河滨公园棒 (垒) 球场的运动设施中,与运动有直接关系者及运 动设备基础的需求评估较高。结论:在政府经费有限的情况下,应针对使用者认 为最需要的部分加以改进。
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to understand the needs of users who play baseball (softball) in riverside parks in Taipei City. Method: This study used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the classification of sport facility to construct and evaluate the dimensions and attributes of the users’ needs of baseball (softball) fields in riverside parks, and with questionnaire methods to understand users’ needs. The questionnaire was divided into scholars’ and users’ questionnaire. Five teachers who teaches baseball (softball) course were recruited into scholars’ group, and 30 players who plays baseball (softball) in riverside parks were recruited into users’ group. Then evaluated the weights of each dimensions and attributes, and set the priority of uses’ needs of these facilities. Results: The users’ evolutions showed that facilities which had direct relation with baseball fields and equipment were in top order. Conclusion: These results can be a good reference for governments to improve these playgrounds with uses’ demands.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大体育学刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 10
起始页: 25
结束页: 34
显示于类别:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education