Title: 顧客關係發展之研究:以台灣壽險業為例
Customer Relationship Development: An Empirical Study on Insurance Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 何雍慶
Yung-Ching Ho
Hsiu-Ju Lu
Keywords: 關係行銷;關係發展;顧客滿意;他人推薦;信任;Relationship Marketing;Relationship Development;Customer Satisfaction;Transitive Trust;Trust
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2021
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 如何建立、發展並維持長久的顧客關係是企業關注的焦點,而信任是長期顧客關係的基礎,有助取得顧客滿意度、忠誠度及更多的購買意圖。影響信任的研究很多,但過去多從靜態觀點或橫斷面探討,本研究以顧客關係發展階段的動態觀點,探討在不同的顧客關係發展階段(知覺、探索、擴張、承諾),信任的前置變數影響力有何不同?顧客滿意度區分為關係滿意和結果滿意,以了解在不同的顧客關係發展階段,信任對關係滿意和結果滿意的影響力是否有所差異。信任是長期累積的結果,因此以台灣壽險業的長期顧客為對象,結果發現在不同關係發展階段,前置變數對信任的影響力的確不同,他人推薦是影響信任最重要的前置變數,其次是專業、彼此關係、感謝互惠;透過信任,對關係滿意的中介效果明顯大於對結果滿意的中介效果。因此企業經營顧客關係,在不同的顧客關係發展階段,應發展適當的顧客關係管理活動,依著不同的關係階段採取多樣化的策略,不僅深化原有顧客關係,並不斷開發新客戶,才能使關係投資有最大的報酬,讓企業的利潤及長期獲利持續成長。最後,依據實證結果提出理論意涵及實務意涵,以及未來研究方向。
How to establish, develop and maintain long-term customer relationship is important to the company. Trust is the basis of long-term customer relationship and it increases customer satisfaction, loyalty and buying more product/service. Relevant researches of trust conducted in the past is plenty and mainly adopts the cross-sectional perspective. This study takes the dynamic perspective to research how the antecedents affect trust in different customer relationship phases (awareness, exploration, expansion, commitment) . In order to understand how trust affects the two outcomes in different customer relationship phrases, satisfaction factored into two separate constructs: satisfaction with the relationship and satisfaction with the results. Relationship investment has a large, direct effect on seller objective performance. This study provides for salespeople and managers to think how to adopt strategies in different customer relationship phases to get the most reward. The results show that the effect of antecedents differs in different customer relationship phases. Transitive Trust is the most critical antecedent, the next are expertise, guanxi between salesperson and customer, gratitude. Mediating effect of trust on satisfaction with the relationship is obvious to satisfaction with the results. When managing customer relationship, the company adopts appropriate strategies in different customer relationship phases would get most relationship investment reward. Finally, this study provides several implications and suggestions in theories, practices and future research.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/JMS.202107_28(3).0001
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/JMS.202107_28(3).0001
Journal: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 28
Issue: 3
Begin Page: 249
End Page: 282
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System