Title: 1990年代東亞經濟體之效率與生產力分析
An Analysis of the East Asia’s Efficiency and Productivity in the 1990s
Authors: 彭惠萍
Keywords: 總要素生產力;效率評估;資料包絡分析法;Malmquist生產力指數;total factor productivity;efficiency;data envelopment analysis (DEA);Malmquist production index
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: Krugman (1994) 之前認為亞洲經濟奇蹟來自於大量資本與勞動的累積,而非總要素生產力的提升。本文以DEA-Malmquist模型分析1990年代東亞各經濟體與美國的效率與生產力變動情形。結果發現:1.美國相對東亞各經濟體為相對有效率的國家。2.1990年代東亞國家中新加坡與日本的總要素生產力是成長的,但1990年代東亞各經濟體總要素生產力表現已不如1980 年代表現突出。3.中國大陸雖然總要素生產力表現最差,但因技術效率惡化情形不斷改善,總要素生產力衰退情形已大幅改善。4.東亞各經濟體其效率的改進與經濟成長率的關係是正向且顯著的。
Krugman (1994) says that the Asian miracle is driven by extraordinary growth in inputs such as labor and capital rather than by a growth in the total factor productivity (TFP). This paper analyzes the efficiency and productivity in the East-Asian and US economies. The DEA-Malmquist model is used. The major findings are as follows: 1. Compared to East-Asian economies, the US is the most efficient economy. 2. In the 1990s, both Singapore and Japan have a significantly high TFP growth. However, the East Asia’s TFP growth in the 1990s is not as good as that in the 1980s. 3. Although China has the lowest TFP growth, its TFP has been improving, due to the technological growth. 4. The Efficient change of Asian economies has a positive and significant effect on their economic growth.
Appears in Collections:Thesis