Title: 台灣PC晶片組廠商競爭動態研究
A Study on Competitive Advantages of Taiwan PC Chipsets Companies with Resource Base View
Authors: 劉鴻璋
Hung-Chang Liu
Edwin Tang
Keywords: 晶片組;資源基礎;技術標準;競爭優勢;chipsets;resource-based theory;technical standard;competitive
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 自1995年INTEL宣布正式進入PC晶片組市場後,市場版圖開始發生劇烈變化,市場急遽縮為一大三小的局面—INTEL、以及台灣的威盛、矽統、揚智。過去台灣廠商利用INTEL的失誤,曾經一舉拿下近半的佔有率。而在INTEL、AMD兩大CPU陣營對決中,台灣廠商也扮演微妙的角色。但在半導體設計製造技術不斷進步下,以及消費者的需求驅動下,繪圖晶片廠商也逐漸在電腦產業有舉足輕重的角色。而這三方人馬已經踏出原有固守的領域向外發展,使得競爭越加激烈。時至今日,ATI已為AMD所併購,台廠的宇力也被nVIDIA收購,威盛退出主流市場,台灣廠商只剩一家。本研究嘗試以資源基礎理論來檢視台灣廠商的資源與能力,透過次級資料的整理分析,以及個案過去的發展,找尋目前局勢形成的因素。結論中對台系晶片組廠商提出其競爭優勢,期望可供未來企業策略形成的參考。
There was a material change on PC chipsets market when INTEL announced it will move in the market in 1995. After that, the market concentration degree became high and only four companies survived, INTEL and three in Taiwan (VIA, SIS and Ali). In the past, Taiwan firms have ever taken half of market share when INTEL made some mistakes. And Taiwan firms have played tender roles in the competition on INTEL and AMD. The graphics IC firms gradually have a important roles because the demand of consumer and the progress in semiconductor. Now the three different kinds of firms have developed other products and the competition on them become more intense. Nowadays ATI have been merged by AMD and ULi merged by NVIDIA, and VIA have announced its withdrawal from mainstream PC chipsets market. This study examines these competitive advantages of these companies by secondary data analysis. The resource-based theory was applied in the analysis process. The result indicates that Taiwan companies have less competitive advantages than foreign firm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis