标题: 半导体封测设备通路商的经营策略-以个案公司为例
A Case Study on the Business Strategy of Semiconductor Backend Equipment Distributors
作者: 黄世荣
Huang, Shih-Jung
关键字: 半导体设备;产业价值链;竞争策略;semiconductor equipment;value chain;competitive strategy
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 在未來全球半导体产业分工体系下,台湾半导体代工产业将持续创造庞大的设备需求,連带的带动起半导体设备服务产业的成长。由其是半导体封装测试业者目前全力发展铜制程、3D IC封测等,加上来自于IDM委外封测的需求,因此持续添购机器设备以进行扩产。这些新产能的扩充与新应用设备的需求,不但刺激半导体封测产业所需要的设备服务市场的成长与变化,也使台湾成为全世界封测设备厂家的兵家必争之地。本研究是以个案研究方式,利用产业分析,竞争环境的五力分析,以了解封测设备服务产业的生态;利用产业价值链分析为相关服务业者剖析优势、劣势,以找寻竞争优势与正确的营运策略。


设备通路商的关键成功因素包括: (1)掌握新产品、新应用的成长机会,(2)良好的客户关系管理,(3)整体顾客解决方案的营运策略,(4)与设备原厂长期而稳固的夥伴关系,(5)注重售后的维修与应用支援,(6)优异的人力资源。通路设备商应积极掌握这些关键成功因素,以构建长期的竞争优势。
Based on the future requirements for the supply chain of semiconductor industry worldwide, foundry industry in Taiwan will continue to boost huge demand of semiconductor equipment and its related equipment service business. Especially for semiconductor backend testing and packaging companies, they are all having aggressive plans for expansion due to the migration to copper wire bonding, 3D IC and outsourced testing and packaging needs from IDMs. Due to these equipment needs for capacity increase and new applications, the industry of equipment service is growing and changing drastically with the fact that Taiwan is now the focus of worldwide semiconductor equipment vendors. This thesis reports on the competition situation of semiconductor backend equipment service industry through industry analysis, five-force analysis and value chain analysis from a case study. It leads the related companies to understand their own strength and weakness, identify their competitive advantages and come up with right business strategy.

Under the circumstances of matured semiconductor industry and rapid-changing backend applications, the negotiation power of customers and competition among existing players are the two major forces to dominate the competition environment. From the comparison of three business models - local equipment vendors, Taiwan branch offices and equipment distributors, we can understand that Taiwan branch offices tend to adopt product leadership strategy, whereas equipment distributors go for total customer solution strategy. There are pros and cons for each business models, one should rely on its business model and competitive advantages to choose its customer groups and develop market strategy. Meanwhile, as training and development for technical staffs is the weakness of local equipment vendors and equipment distributors, excellent human resource management will be the key to develop their sustainable competitive advantage.

The key successful factors for equipment distributors are the following : (1) Seizing the growth opportunities for new products and new applications, (2) Excellent customer relationship management, (3) Strategy of total customer solution, (4) Long-term stable partnership with equipment vendors, (5) Focus on after service and applications support, and (6) Excellent human resource. Equipment distributors should strive to develop these key successful factors to build up sustainable competitive advantages.