Title: TFT LCD 面板製造業的競爭策略分析 -以H個案公司為例
The Study of Competitive Strategy on TFT LCD Panel Industry – The Case Study of H Company
Authors: 嚴春生
Yen, Chun-Sheng
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: TFT LCD 面板;TFT LCD
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 由於TFT-LCD平面顯示器技術已走向全彩化、多功能、高速度、高密度、智慧型數位技術發展,及高效率低成本的製程,為我國創造了兩兆雙星的產值,但近年來TFT-LCD面板產業激烈的競爭,大企業低價搶食市場大餅,TFT-LCD面板製造業幾乎已無利可圖,再加上兩年一度的產業景氣循環,供需失調,市場價格劇烈變化,中小型經營者均已退出市場,本研究將針對H個案公司的轉型,品牌策略,產品策略及執行方法,找出其關鍵成功/失敗因素,借此範例提供業者參考及借鏡。 在2008年金融風暴下, 所有面板八代廠的計劃已全面叫停,平面顯示器產業也從IT產品轉趨消費性產品發展、全球化製造佈局及消費性產品的選定等都是要考慮的重要事項,如何拓展產品線、提升產業附加價值,將是TFT-LCD面板產業未來發展的重要議題。在產業面臨外在與內在的雙重壓力之下,如何結合政府、業界與學術的力量,運用台灣的產業核心串聯、整合能力,再提升平面顯示器產業價值,則是當務之急。 本研究選定Porter (1980)一般性競爭策略以及(1985) 五力分析模式來分析H個案公司的變更競爭策略前以及變更競爭策略後競爭力的改善情形 - 一般性競爭策略:全面成本領導、差異化與集中化三種策略 - 五力分析模式: 新進入者的威脅, 供應商的議價能力, 購買者的議價能力, 替代性產品或勞務的威脅, 現有競爭者的競爭強度 設立研究架構及操作變數, 並使用專家訪談方式來衡量H公司的變更結果。 另外, 個案公司透過其核心競爭能力,發展品牌終端產品 – 平面顯示器、液晶電視、電子相框以及筆記型電腦,經過四年的籌劃執行,已改造公司的營運模式,讓公司財務化險為夷,轉危為安。 再經Porter一般性競爭策略以及五力分析模式的探討,証明這確是一個成功的案例,其轉變競爭策略的方法及過程都有很好的評價,確實值得業界深入了解及參考借鏡。
From the statement of IEK “2008 Flat Display Industry Analysis Report”, TFT-LCD flat panel display technology has been well upgraded in past several years, provides full color performance, multi-media function, high response time, high resolution, smart digital functions, and lower cost which has replaced the traditional CRT display monitor, brought two trillions NTD revenue for Taiwan, as so-call “Two trillion and bi-Star”. But currently TFT LCD panel market has been changed and facing a big competition, the main providers shut the market share with lower price, this has raised an important phenomenon: extremely low profit. Especially in the 2 years crystal cycle period, all TFT LCD panel players lost a lot of money, the 2nd tier of TFT LCD players are kicked out from this red-ocean market. This study tries to analyze the current TFT LCD panel market situation and from the H company case study gives an answer: where should this industry go? And what is the solution to keeping the company still in life. Since 2008 financial crisis of the world, all panel suppliers have been impacted and stopped to phase in their next generation – 8.5G facility, and move the main product line from IT to consumer products, new product strategy and global manufacture all become the key topics; From the internal and external pressure, how the panel suppliers can revise their competition strategy and integrate all the other resources will be more and more important for every player. This study is to use Porter (1980) Generic Strategies and (1985) Five Forces Model - Generic Strategies: Overall Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus Strategies - Five Forces Model: the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of supplier, the bargaining power of buyer, the threat of substitute and the industry competitors To analyze H company situation before and after their changing, set-up the framework and evaluation factors to make this study, and also go thru the consultant interview to judge the result of H company. In this study we also found H company is starting from their core competition ability – panel technology, spend 4 years period to plan and develop their brand products – LCD monitors, LCD TV, Digital Photo Frame and Notebook PC, has reconstruct the company business model, and save the company finance to carry over this crisis Thru Porter (1980) Generic Strategies and (1985) Five Forces Model evaluation and confirm H company translation is very successful, their strategy and process also get the very highest ranking level, it is really a good case for other panel player reference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis