標題: 小粉紅
The Little Pinky
作者: 李明勳
Lee, Ming-Hsun
Lai, Wen-Shu
關鍵字: 自我認同;自我敘事;動畫短片;self‐identity;self‐narrative;animated short films
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文為針對作者的畢業創作《小粉紅》進行之創作自述。作品為以自我認同為題之動畫創作。每個人都是獨特的個體,持有自身特有的個人特質,使其透過這些特質得以成為一個完整的個體。個體的每一個特質都是個體化過程中不可或缺的重要因素。但是個體必須存在於群體社會中。在群體社會的主流框架下,個體不得不將個人特質去除,成為模板化的複製品。作者將個人生命經驗與故事透過轉化以動畫形式呈現,在作品中探討個體如何面對社會主流框架下的自我。作者也試圖透過創作達到抒發,並對自我特質產生認同。而人生不斷地在變化,身處在各種不同的群體中。所以認同是持續發生的,不斷地面對自我,以達到完整的個體化。
This thesis is an artist statement of my graduate piece, “The Little Pinky.” The work is an animated short film about self‐identity. Everyone is a unique individual with different and special traits. Each trait is indispensable to an individual in the process of individuation. But in the framework of the mainstream society, the traits are being eliminated to make the individual a duplicate. I transformed my life experiences and stories into a narrative animation to discuss how I face and accept myself in the conflicting social framework. Also, I tried to achieve self‐identity by making the animation. Life is a forever changing journey, and we always involve in different social groups. So the self‐identity is a non‐stop process. One can complete individuation by facing him or herself truly.


  1. 251001.pdf

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