标题: 应用于校园导览的行动游戏式学习系统之设计与评鉴
The design and evaluation of a mobile game-based learning system for self-guided campus tours
作者: 吕旭正
Lu, Hsu-Cheng
Chen, Chao-Hsiu
关键字: 校园导览;数位游戏式学习;行动学习;情境感知;self-guided campus tour;digital game-based learning;mobile learning;context awareness
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究旨在结合数位游戏式学习和行动学习的优点,设计一款帮助大学新生认识环境、文化并增加认同感的校园导览游戏系统,名为“CAMPUS”。本研究在发展阶段以文献收集、个人观察、需求分析、工作分析等方法,分析系统应具备的功能,并依照分析结果设计系统原型。本系统将新生最想认识的校园地点及资讯改编为游戏剧情,并结合至游戏任务中,要求系统使用者前往校园各地点解决任务中的谜题,从中学习校园资讯及认识校园环境。
The study purpose is to combine game-based learning with mobile learning to develop a game-based campus-tour system called Context-aware Mobile Portrayal of University Sites, or CAMPUS, to help college freshmen be familiar with the campus and its cultures and strengthen their sense of being a member of the university. At the system development stage, the author conducted a literature review, observations, needs analysis, and task analysis to analyze what functions should be provided in the system. According to the analysis results, a system prototype was developed, and locations and information the freshmen wanted to know were weaved into the game script and task design. Users need to go to different locations on campus to solve problems and to undertake tasks given by the system and, in this way, users become familiar with campus information and with the environments.
During the system evaluation, the author collected data from expert evaluation, observations, user testing, interviews, and system logs and, based on these data, the author reviewed and revised the system prototype several times. The system evaluation was divided into three stages. First, the expert evaluation was conducted for finding most user-interface issues. Most usability issues were about the visibility and learnability of the system interface, and the presentation of certain images might mislead users and cause operation errors. Regarding the playability of the system, the experts indicated that the exaggerative expressions and body movements of the system characters served as explicit responses to the users’ progress. The experts also suggested the author add a digital campus map to the system instead of asking users to explore the campus using a printed map.
The second stage of system evaluation was to observe users to find issues arising during the game play. The users reported that some locations were revisited too many times according to the game design so the players would be very tired. Yet, the users agreed that incorporating authentic stories and information into the system script could encourage users to learn important information by solving problems in authentic contexts and to strengthen their sense of being a member of the university.
According to the user testing results of the final evaluation stage, users could effectively learn campus locations and information. Additionally, the users other than the ones whose equipment had broken down reported high satisfaction with the system, and they believed the system could improve freshmen’s sense of being a member of the university. The interview results also indicated that there was much interaction between users in the same group but the interaction across groups was decreasing with the proceeding of the game play.