Title: 以Na2SO3去除NO2之洗滌塔的效率研究-以太陽能Cell電池廠為例
The efficiency of removal of NO2 by adding Na2SO3 in a scrubber
Authors: 李燦庭
Keywords: Na2SO3;NO2;Solar cell;Scrubber;Na2SO3;NO2;Solar cell;Scrubber
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 摘 要 太陽能電池業的粗糙化製程,使用了硝酸來蝕刻矽晶片,矽晶片與硝酸反應後生成了NO2氣狀污染物,類似黃色的NO2廢氣經製程酸排氣系統的煙道排放至大氣中,濃度約在55ppm,致使煙道出口排放出大量黃色煙霧的氣狀污染物,這是太陽能Cell工廠設廠前並未預期到的問題。由於NO2對人體的危害有一定的影響,且屬於空氣污染防制法規中的管制排放物種。本研究主要設計1台處理風量為100 m3/hr r的濕式填充洗滌塔作為NO2的削減去除設備,並以實際製程中所排放的NO2做為試驗氣體,濃度範圍在41~51ppm,濕式填充洗滌塔則添加Na2SO3作為去除NO2的吸收洗滌液,探討Na2SO3洗滌液對於NO2的去除效率,並改變氣體與液體接觸時間、液氣比(L/G)、Na2SO3吸收劑在水中的莫耳濃度等参數,經實驗結果顯示,濕式填充式洗滌塔內之循環水含Na2SO3濃度達0.3M、液氣比(L/G)等於5倍、洗滌液與NO2接觸時間達3秒時,其NO2最高吸收去除效率可達95%以上,另在實驗中亦發現,NO2濃度大於30ppm以上時則會有黃煙產生,當煙道排放的NO2濃度低於30ppm以下時,即不會有黃煙產生。
ABSTRACT Currently, the increase of photovoltaic cell manufacturers threatens the environment in Taiwan with NO2 pollution. This paper presents an experimental study of the absorption of NO2 in a wet scrubber with a Na2SO3 aqueous solution. Experiments have been conducted to determine the effects of various operating parameters such as inlet concentration of the Na2SO¬3 solution, liquid-to-gas ratio, NO2 removal efficiencies, and Ph value. The experimental device used in this study was a rectangular scrubber 2.84 m in height with a constant 100 m3/hr gas rate of NO2 input. The experimental results showed that the removal effectiveness of NO2 increased while increasing the concentration of the Na2SO¬3 solution, contact time, and the L/G ratio. In addition, when the L/G ratio was equal to 5, with 0.3 mole of Na2SO¬3 solution and a contact time of 3 seconds of L/G, the removal efficiencies are higher than 95 %.
Appears in Collections:Thesis