Title: 氮化鋁於薄膜電容之應用研究
Application of Aluminum Nitride on Thin Film Capacitors
Authors: 陳鈞源
Keywords: 氮化鋁;薄膜電容;高頻;aluminum nitride;thin film capacitors;high frequency
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本實驗藉由反應性直流濺鍍法製作氮化鋁(Aluminum Nitride,AlN)薄膜,在相同的濺鍍壓力下,改變氬氣和氮氣之流量比,製成氮流量比分別為10%、30%、50%以及70%之氮化鋁薄膜,然後觀察並量測薄膜之物理特性。再以氮化鋁薄膜為介電層,製成金屬-絕緣體-金屬(Metal-Insulator-Metal, MIM)結構之薄膜電容,研究其電容特性。 實驗結果顯示,以氮流量70%之氮化鋁薄膜為薄膜電容之介電層時,有較好的電容值及較高之崩潰電場。若氮化鋁薄膜再經過氧氣電漿處理之後,其電氣特性會明顯提升,亦即有更大之電容值、更高之崩潰電場以及較小的漏電流。
The purpose of the experiment to fabricate aluminum nitride (AlN) thin film with reactive DC sputtering method. Sputter chamber was kept at the constant pressure, while the percentages of the nitrogen vapor were adjusted from nitrogen/argon mixture in 10%, 30%, 50% to 70% of the preparing AlN thin film. Physical characteristics of the AlN thin film was examed afferwards. Then the metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors, in which dielectric layer is AlN thin film were prepared, and its capacitance properties were studied. The experimental result shows that the AlN dielectric layer prepared under 70% of the nitrogen percentage demonstrated the best capacitance performances and the highest breakdown electrical field. The O2 plasma treating can greatly improve the AlN film’s electrical properties.
Appears in Collections:Thesis