Title: | 運用專利技術功效矩陣分析電動車產業技術佈局 -以磷酸鋰鐵電池為例 Applying Technology-Function Matrix Analysis to Technology Portfolio Strategy of Electric Vehicle Industry: Case Study of Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery |
Authors: | 林軒宇 Lin, Hsuan-Yu 袁建中 Yuan, Benjamin 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 電動車產業;磷酸鋰鐵電池;專利技術佈局;專利技術功效矩陣;Electric Vehicle Industry;Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery;Patent Portfolios;Technology-Function Matrix |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 電動車產業的發展日漸蓬勃,目前世界各主要車廠與相關零組件廠,皆欲掌握電動車相關之關鍵核心技術,其中之合縱連橫與競爭關係日趨激烈。各公司如能確實掌握智慧財產權策略與技術專利權,將可確保其在該產業發展上維持領先之地位。因此,本研究以電動車發展關鍵技術之一的磷酸鋰鐵電池為研究對象,藉由觀察現有的專利技術發展佈局,期望透過實際現況的分析,瞭解產業內廠商之智慧財產權策略與技術獲取方式等,並詴圖預測未來相關技術的市場走向。此外,透過觀察各相關廠商在專利趨勢上的強弱關係,提出具體的研究成果,期望能作為欲進入此一產業的企業之參考判斷。 With the electric car booming, the world's major automakers and related suppliers all focus on the core technologies of the electric car. If the company can make use of intellectual property and related patents strategy well, it will acquire more competitive advantages. Therefore, by observing patent portfolios of lithium iron phosphate battery, one of the core technologies of the electric vehicle, the paper could have more concrete and clear description of lithium iron phosphate battery industry and electric vehicle industry. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/47954 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |