Title: | 建築-空間媒介 Architecture as media |
Authors: | 陳又瑜 Chen,Yu-Yu 張基義 Chang, Chi-Yi 建築研究所 |
Keywords: | 建築;空間;媒介;architecture;media |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | “媒介”一詞係可解釋為:使事物間發生關係的物質。 而本論文討論的空間媒介,表達的是一種空間互相關係的狀態。 通過五種設計題目中不同的空間媒介,將設計概念轉化為能體驗 真實世界的線索,並經由此過程感受到生活中的細微變化,從而 反思個人生活型態與環境互動所產生不同空間的組構。而媒介本 身亦反之對空間產生影響。 在本論文中,設計的主軸為主體和客體中間的媒介物,主體為使用者 或觀察者,客體則分別討論五種類別,非建築實體之 時間;生活 ;環境;他人;城市,這是從以設計建築本體為中心思想的本位 主義中跳脫,空間變成了使主體與客體發生關係的中介媒介,空 間設計的目的及手法,間接或直接以觸發;牽引;連動;誘導; 暗示等,使本論文中的主體與客體產生互相關係的狀態,或透過 空間媒介的設計手法,提供閱讀觀看事物的多重角度,藉由主體 各人個體感知及經驗累積上的不同,通過空間媒介的觸發;牽引 ;連動;誘導;暗示等方式,對原本習以為常或無所意識之事物 產生自覺,進而引導主體思考自己過往的生活經驗與現在所處的環 境是否有本質上的差異,抑或是發現生活中的微小細節,然後從 此產生新的想法與體悟,甚至是另類的空間模式與型態,也藉由 這些不同的媒介,揭示出空間隱含逐漸累積其場所精神的過程。 “Media” can be expressed as a material which connects substances, or the material which stores or transmits data.This dissertation mainly discusses the space media, which is a mutual relationship between dif- ferent spaces. There are five genres of media substance; the design concepts can be transferred to the trail throughout experiencing the real world. With that said, the participants will experience some minor changes th- roughout life experiences, and will reflect it on the design in spaces th- roughout the interaction between life style and environment, and vice versa. The main thesis of this dissertation is the media between subject and o- bject.Subject can be seen as an experiencer or observer, and object is t- ime; living; environment; or another person; city, non-architecture entity. This is the way of thinking .Not just only the building itself, but all the th- ings which really matters to make this building been build. Space becom- es the connecting media between the subject and the object. The design techniques are: trigger; pull; gang; induce; insinuate. With that said, it ca- n make the subject and object sharing the mutual relationship. In additi- on, by these design techniques, it can provide diversity of reading thesis to the participants. Due to every participants has his (her) own experien- ce, throughout those techniques can increase their self-awareness to the unconscious in daily life. And suggesting them to reflect their old experi- ence, or discover small particular part in their daily life, then come out a new way of thinking difference. By these different techniques, it reveals and increase process of spatial in the space. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48180 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |