标题: 2008年金融海啸暨市场泡沫化之治理成因与影响分析
An analysis of governance causes and effects on 2008 financial tsunami and bubbling
作者: 路雅如
Lu, Ya-Ju
Cheng, Li-Ping
关键字: 金融危机;金融海啸;结构方程模式;市场泡沫;Financial Crisis;Financial Tsunami;SEM;Market Bubble
公开日期: 2010
摘要: 本研究归纳2008年金融危机形成因素之研究与市场现象,提出不同的检验角度,认为金融危机前市场的泡沫化主要源于美国政府对国内经济与金融之治理不良;该因素表现在货币政策、金融自由化及金融监理松懈所带来的影响,从而导致国内房地产市场、信用市场以及资产证券化商品市场之泡沫化;本研究进而提出“货币政策、金融政策与监督→市场泡沫”之金融危机模型,并运用SEM分析方法进行实证分析,得出不良货币政策及金融监督松懈对于市场泡沫化具有催化效果之结论。本文建议日后政府为维持金融稳定,应注重总体经济与金融监管政策之结合与一致性。
This paper claims that the root of the financial crisis in 2008 is the negligent governance from US government, which included poor monetary policy and the effect of financial liberalization and negligent supervisory, jointly resulted in the bubble and burst in related market. We further suggest a model of “financial policy and supervisory, monetary policy causing the market bubble” and makes use of the SEM analysis to obtain the conclusion that poor monetary policy, financial regulation negligence with loose financial supervisory will result in financial market bubble and harmful financial crisis. Suggestion is also provided that the government shall take notice on coordination and consistence of the economic policy and financial governance.