標題: 運用網路資源進行探究教學-以四年級月相概念學習為例
Using the Web to Support Inquiry Teaching in Natural Science-Case of Moon-phase Concept Learning for Fourth Graders
作者: 李思□
Li, Szu-Hsien
Hwang, Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 探究教學;網路資源;月相概念;資訊融入教學;inquiry teaching;web resource;moon-phase concept;、information technology integrated education
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究旨在探討於九年一貫課程自然與生活科技學習領域中,設計運用網路資源實施探究教學的活動,對臺中巿某國小四年級學生月相概念學習成就、科學探究能力及對電腦輔助教學態度之影響。研究對象為某國小四年級學生共53人,研究採取準實驗研究法,實驗組接受探究式教學,控制組接受直接講述教學。
(一) 運用網路資源進行探究教學,對學生之月相概念學習成效及科學探究能力有顯著的影響。
(二) 運用網路資源進行探究教學後,學生之性別對其學習成就的影響、科學探究能力及對電腦輔助教學態度皆無顯著差異。
(三) 運用網路資源進行探究教學後,學生使用網路頻率與其學習成就、科學探究能力的無相關、但與電腦輔助教學態度有正相關。
(四) 運用網路資源進行探究教學後,學生使用網路年資與其學習成就無相關,但與科學探究能力、電腦輔助教學態度有正相關。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence on moon-phase concept learning achievement, science inquiry ability and the attitude toward computer-assisted education by using web-resource inquiry teaching among fourth-grade students in one elementary school in Taichung. The study population consists of 53 fourth-grade students, 26 in the experimental group and 27 in the control group. We use quasi-experiment design in this study. The experimental group receive web-assisted inquiry teaching and the control group receive directly didactic education.
The moon-phase concept learning achievement test, the questionnaire of student science inquiry ability and scales for attitude toward computer-assisted education were used to assess the outcome. Pretest and posttest scores were calculated and analyzed with one-way ANOVA and coefficient of relationship. Independent t test were used to test the difference of demographic data.
The findings of this study:
1. By using Web-resource inquiry teaching, students in the experimental group got significantly higher scores on moon-phase concept learning achievement test and the questionnaire of student science inquiry ability compared with students in the control group.
2. By using Web-resource inquiry teaching, there were no significant difference between students' gender and learning achievement, science inquiry ability and attitude toward computer-assisted education.
3. By using Web-resource inquiry teaching, the frequency of using web by students were positively associated with attitude toward computer-assisted education, but not associated with learning achievement and science inquiry ability.
4. By using Web-resource inquiry teaching, students' year of experience in using web was associated with science inquiry ability and attitude toward computer-assisted education, but not associated with learning achievement.
Based on these findings, the researcher has proposed suggestion of teachers' professional development and direction for further research.


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