标题: 适用于双耳助听器之皮肤通道的通讯系统的研究与实现
Design and Implementation of Body Channel Communication System in Binaural Hearing Aids
作者: 陈柔绫
Chen, Jouling
Sang, Tzuhsien
关键字: 双耳助听器;皮肤通讯;Binaural Hearing Aids;Body Channel Communication
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 在现今的双耳助听器中,许多先进功能的实现都取决于双耳助听器进行参数及数据资料的交换。遗憾的是,如此必然会面临到传输率、传输方式的问题。相较单耳助听器,双耳通讯助听器会有着较高的功率消耗,而目前市面上贩售的助听器为了要满足其通讯需求仍使用高功耗的射频技术。然而,助听器是电池供电的医疗器材,且使用者几乎是全天配戴,若需要时常更换电池,将会大大影响到助听器的实用性。因此,若要延长电池的使用时间,势必要发展出一个低功耗的通讯系统。由人体通道频率响应的量测结果发现,低功耗的基频调变技术可运用在皮肤通道上,再加上配戴助听器时助听器会自然的和皮肤接触,综上所述,我们可知人体通道技术非常适合应用在双耳助听器的通讯需求上。

在此我们设计了一个皮肤传导的通讯系统,而为了符合双耳助听器的需求,在系统的设计上将会有以下三个考量点:第一,群体延迟时间。根据研究,人类对于超过10毫秒的影音不同步现象,容易产生言语认知上的混乱[1],而对于需要长时间配戴助听器的患者而言,此现象将对他们产生更大程度的影响,因此这会是我们的最优先的考量点。第二,通讯系统的同步能力。无论是双耳时间差(Interaural Time Difference,ITD)或双耳强度差(Interaural Level Difference,ILD)的双耳杂讯消除演算法,都需要将双耳的资讯做一定程度的同步才能获得预期的效果。三、功率消耗。
以下为章节排序,第一章简介会介绍助听器的架构及人体通道特性,评估建立此通讯系统的可行性并订定设计目标。第二章以个人区域网路IEEE 802.15.4为例子,分析建立一个通讯系统需要订定哪些协定及规范。第三章双耳助听器通讯系统设计,在这一章节提出我们针对助听器的通讯系统设计,并讨论基于双耳助听器的需求及实用性限制下,会有哪些需要取舍的部分。第四章电路实现,说明如何实现第三章所提出的双耳通讯系统。第五章总结与未来展望,总结本论文的设计结果以及未来发展方向。
In modern binaural hearing aids, the realization of many advanced functions depends on reliable exchange of information for both sides. Commercially available hearing aids often use RF technologies to meet the communication needs, despite the relatively high power consumption associated with them. However, most advanced hearing aids are battery-operated, and with their small sizes the capacity of the accompanied batteries is quite limited. Therefore, in view of the practicality of binaural hearing aids, it is necessary to develop a low-power communication system. On the other hand, experiments are conducted to verify the channel characteristics of the waveguide type are good enough to support the proposed binaural communication system. And, due to the facts that skin contact naturally happens in binaural hearing aids and baseband modulation techniques with low power consumption can be used in transmission over skin, the skin communication system is found to be perfectly suited for the needs of binaural hearing aids.

This thesis presents a communication system with skin channel technology. To meet the needs of binaural hearing aid systems, we follow the following design guidelines. First, the group delay time is strictly limited. According to [1], if the audio and visual cues have delays more than 10 milliseconds, human beings are prone to sense the confusion in verbal cognition. So, this is the top-priority consideration. Second, the communication should have synchronization capability. It is important for applications where the cues of Interaural Time Difference (ITD) or Interaural Level Difference (ILD) are used to extract desired speech signal from the mixture of speech signal and noises from different directions. And last, the power consumption should be as low as possible.

This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the structure of hearing aids and the feasibility study of a body channel communication system for binaural hearing aids. Chapter 2 presents a case study of IEEE 802.15.4 WPAN, and I try to learn from the analysis what kinds of protocols and specifications are needed for a body channel communication system. Chapter 3 discusses the trade-offs of designing a communication system for binaural hearing aids, particularly from the aspect functions and practicality demanded by hearing aids. Chapter 4 presents the design/implementation details of the binaural communication system. Chapter 5 summarizes this thesis and proposes future directions of further development.