标题: 于紧急医疗服务使用车用行动通讯网路之效益评估
An Evaluation of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks in Emergency Medical Services
作者: 吳俊諺
关键字: 紧急医疗服务;车用行动通讯网路;行车时间;累进式存活率;emergency medical service;vehicular ad-hoc network;travel time;cumulative survival ratio (CSR)
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 为了减少急重症病患死亡及失能之机会,紧急车辆能否尽快到达现场,施行急救处置是重要的关键。不幸的是,由于都市的快速发展,日渐剧增的车辆使得紧急车辆无法顺利通过。许多学者尝试利用车用行动通讯网路来解决上述问题,然而目前的研究多着重于通讯技术与协定的研发,尚未有人针对车用行动通讯网路应用对于紧急医疗的效益进行评估。因此本论文将重点摆在整理前人所提出的协助紧急车辆行驶之方法,并利用IEEE 802.11p/1609车用行动通讯网路通讯技术及全球定位系统等技术实作之。藉由模拟的结果与实证医学的相关文献相互参照,评估各方法对于急重症病患累进式存活率之增益。
根据结果显示,交通号志抢占功能对于急重症病患累进式存活率(cumulative survival ratio, CSR)的提升是最明显的,最高可以提高90.2%,最低也有32.4%。路径向导的增益效果次之,可提高14.1%至57.8%,最后道路净空为15.5%以内。为了使紧急车辆快速抵达现场,以现有的技术而言,路径向导是一可实行且有效之方法。另外交通号志抢占虽然效果最佳,但是目前没有可配合的硬体来支援。最后道路净空独自使用效果不彰,须配合其他方法同时使用。本论文可以提供交通管理和紧急救护相关人员参考。
Whether emergency vehicles can rapidly reach a scene and provide emergency treatment is crucial to reducing the chances of death and disability among acute and critically ill patients. Unfortunately, the rapid development of cities and sharp increases in vehicles prevent emergency vehicles easily reaching scenes. Numerous researches have attempted to use vehicular ad-hoc networks to resolve these problems. However, the majority of studies have focused on developing communication technologies and protocols. These studies have not assessed the benefits of vehicular ad-hoc networks as applied to emergency medical care. Therefore, this thesis collected the methods for assisting emergency vehicles in previous studies and implemented these methods using an IEEE 802.11p/1609 vehicular ad-hoc network technology and the global positioning system (GPS). Simulation results and evidence-based researches were cross-referenced to assess cumulative survival ratio (CSR) gains for acute and critically ill patients with each method.
Simulation results indicate that the preemption of traffic lights increased CSRs for acute and critically ill patients most substantially. This method could increase CSRs to a maximum of 90.2% and a minimum of 32.4%. The next was path guidance, which could increase CSRs from 14.1% to 57.8%. The last was path clearing, which could increase CSRs fewer than 15.5%. With existing technologies, route guidance is a feasible and effective method to shorten travel time for emergency vehicle. Besides, traffic light preemption is the most effective method but there is no hardware support at present. Path clearing cannot gain much improvement if it is used alone. This thesis can provide traffic management authority and emergency medical technicians for reference.