Title: How relationship norms affect the amount & prediction accuracy of a gift under positive and negative option framing.
How relationship norms affect the amount & prediction accuracy of a gift under positive and negative option framing.
Authors: 李宜真
Lee, Yi-Chen
Chang, Chia-Chi
Keywords: 關懷型關係;交易型關係;正架構;負架構;relationship norm;communal;exchange;option framing
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究想要了解關懷(communal)與交易(exchange)型關係對面對兩種不同的客制化流程的購買情形之差異。對於屬於關懷關係的朋友,利益的界限比較模糊,亦彼此之間不去計較實質或無形的利益分配。但交易型的關係,會希望雙方之間是公平的,條理分明,同時,交易型的關係,無動機去了解對方的心理狀態或喜好。 本研究想要了解對於這兩類的人,在處理不同的交易框架(+OF,-OF)的時候,有何差異。客制化的產品往往有不同的選項,當客戶加入選項,價格會上升(負擔增加),產品效能亦會增加,當客戶刪除選項的時候,價格會下降(負擔會降低),但產品效能也會下降。對於關懷型的客戶,他有動機去了解對方的喜好與需求,亦關心對方福祉,會認真挑選適合對方的選項,故較不受交易模式的影響,數量上容易淡化原先很明顯的base and full效應。另外,在正的交易框架(base model),客戶會找尋購買的理由。在負的交易框架(full model),客戶會找尋刪除的理由。在正的交易框架下,因為都在處理購買理由,往往會投射自己偏好的影響,而對於關心的對方偏好產生偏誤。在負的交易框架下,客戶會注目於負面的(非偏好)理由,不會去投射自己的偏好,因而有正確的推測。 實驗結果顯示,關心型與交易型購買選項數目與金額沒有明顯差距。人不會因為與對方的關係屬於相對交易型的關係而買較少或較便宜的禮物。但對於對方喜好的估計,交易型的人在正框架的結果優於關心型的人,在負框架,則呈現相反的結果。
The main objective of this study is to understand the choices of communal and exchange relations faced with two different customization processes. Communal cares about their friend’s needs and benefits; whereas Exchange relations regards everything their do as fair and has no incentive to understand each other’s mental state or preference. This study want to know what is the difference of these two types of people dealing with the positive and negative option framing (+ OF,-OF). Customized products tend to have different options, when customers select options, the price will rise and so will the product utility will increase; when the customers to reject options, the price will fall but product utility will decline. Communal relation clients has the motivation to get to know each other's preferences and needs, are also concerned about their friend’s “fuzhi”, will carefully elaborate the options, making them less susceptible to the impact of the option framing and the decrease the magnitude of base and full effect. Also, when selecting customers seek reasons for purchase; when rejecting, customers will find reasons to reject. Projection most likely would occur with communal relations dealing with reasons to buy, effected most by their own preferences influence and their knowledge of their friend’s preference. Under this condition creates a bias and decreases their prediction accuracy. With negative framing, however, gift givers have their eyes on negative (non-preference), should therefore not cast their preferences, thus delivering a relatively correct guess. Results show that the type of relationship and option framing does not have effect on purchase amount. But with prediction accuracy, exchange relations had better guesses than communal relations when using the positive framing; negative framing had opposite results.
Appears in Collections:Thesis