Title: 科技運用在犯罪現場調查之研究
A Research on Application of Technologies in Crime Scene Investigation
Authors: 鍾銘輝
Chung, Ming-Hui
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
Lee, Cheng-Lung
Keywords: 犯罪現場調查;平板電腦;RFID;3D光學掃描器;雲端運算;Crime Scene Investigation;Tablet PC;RFID;3D optical scanner;Cloud computing
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 犯罪現場調查是偵查案件的起點,勘查品質更是決定是否破案的關鍵,國際鑑識大師李昌鈺博士說過:「犯罪現場是物證的寶庫」,也是決定案件偵破、嫌犯俯首認罪的主要關鍵。傳統的勘查箱內的工具,都是單一功能,耗材必須隨時補充,犯罪現場調查人員,經常提著大包、小包,匆忙趕赴現場後,才發現「忘了帶某樣工具」或是「耗材用完了,未能即時補充」的窘境,導致耗費較多的時間和人力,因此如何第一時間,趕赴現場處理和「百分啟動」,如何在第一時間,從事最有效的勘察作為、記錄最完整原始現場、進行現場初步分析工作等,成為我們研究的主題。 本研究引進現代科技管理的觀念,透過文獻分析法與個案研究法,設計一套整合性的科技系統架構,期盼能協助現場調查人員,解決效率不高、人力不足的問題,並得到更完整、更精細的物證資訊。我們的研究,透過調查人員在犯罪現場,運用新型的「平板電腦」、「3D光學掃描器」等的現代科技產品,第一時間,趕赴現場後,能夠馬上進行現場勘查工作,同時,藉由遠端技術,也能同步接受在地球另一端的指揮、監看和討論現場情境,如此,便可大大提升工作的效率與品質。現場勘查的資訊,在第一時間亦可透過Wifi、3G、「RFID」等科技,藉由無線傳輸的方式,上傳到雲端上的各類資料庫,透過資料庫的分析、比對、儲存等先進的「雲端運算」,藉以達成犯罪現場及時分析、鑑識專家聯合診斷、協同作業等目標,得以改善傳統辦案的繁複與不便。 本研究結果顯示「平板電腦」、「3D光學掃描器」可大幅提升犯罪現場記錄與測繪的效率與精細度,並減少人力資源浪費,「RFID」則可以強化物證監管效率與減少重複作業,「雲端運算」能節約成本與增進協同作業,提高人力素質。
“Crime Scene Investigation” is the start point of inspecting crime cases. Exploration quality is the key point of solving cases. International forensic master, Dr. Henry Lee said: “The crime scene is a treasure trove of physical evidence.” It is also the important element to detect cases and make suspects confess their crimes. Crime scene investigators often carry a lot of package, rush to the scene, and then find themselves forgetting to bring tools or running out of consumables which results in wasting time and human resource. Therefore, the main subject of the thesis is how investigators can protect and record the crime scene effectively when they arrive. Through literature analysis and case study method, this study designs a set of integrated technology system and introduces modern technology management, looking forward to helping crime scene investigators solve the problem of efficiency, the lack of human resource, and acquire more complete, more refined evidence information. This study find that, by using Tablet PC, 3D optical scanners, the investigators are able to immediately conduct scene investigation; by remote connection technology, they can also receive the command from other experts timely which can greatly enhance the efficiency and quality of investigation. The information of crime scene investigation can be timely uploaded to data base in cloud by Wifi, 3G, and RFID. After cloud computing, they can have immediate analysis of investigation and forensic scientists’ collaborative examination to improve traditional investigation. The results of this study show that Tablet PC and 3D optical scanners can significantly enhance the efficiency and the fineness of the crime scene record and reduce the waste of human resources; RFID can strengthen the chain of evidence custody and reduce work duplication; Cloud computing can save cost and enhance collaboration, improving the quality of manpower.
Appears in Collections:Thesis