标题: | 不同选择结构下之城际与接驳运具选择模式 Different Choice Structures for Modeling Intercity and Feeder Mode Choices |
作者: | 谢辰滢 Hsieh, Chen-Yin 邱裕钧 Chiou, Yu-Chiun 运输与物流管理学系 |
关键字: | 个体离散选择模式、城际运具选择、接驳运具选择、偏好整合;discrete choice model、intercity mode choice、feeder mode choice、integrated preference |
公开日期: | 2011 |
摘要: | 近年来,由于经济发展及产业结构改变,汽机车持有与使用数量快速成长,人口也快速且大量地朝都市地区集中,使得有限的道路空间因无法负荷庞大的私人运具使用需求而面临拥挤的情况,而私人运具的使用也同时带来空气与噪音等污染,故鼓励公共运输降低民众对私人运具使用的依赖性是目前世界各国正积极推展的重要交通政策。然而,旅运者使用公共运输的意愿与其使用需求息息相关,故在订定各项交通政策时必须先瞭解其旅运行为,才能提供符合需求的政策作为,进而达成提高公共运输使用率的目标。 爰此,本研究旨在探讨影响城际运输运具选择的关键因素,并据以提出能有效提升公共运输使用率之对策。个体离散选择模式为本篇研究主要的研究理论与方法,并透过大规模全国性的问卷调查,来搜集台湾地区旅运者的选择偏好及其社经背景等资料。由于不同区域的旅运者(例如:偏远郊区与市中心区)在运具的选择行为上可能会有不同的决策过程,为能反映出不同区域特性及交通条件之下旅运者选择行为的差异性,本研究将样本分为3个区域:偏远地区、都市区及市中心区,并利用不同模式巢层架构之设定:架构一系上巢层为城际运具选择与下巢层为接驳运具选择、架构二系上巢层为接驳运具选择与下巢层为城际运具选择,分别进行运具选择模式的推估、检定及比较。 根据前述模式推估结果,较为普遍的模式架构一系优于模式架构二,然值得关注的是,两种模式架构均与偏远地区旅运者实际的选择行为相符,显示对偏远地区的旅运者来说,接驳运具的选择系比城际运具的选择更为重要,另不同区域之车外及车内时间价值的推估结果也可支持模式推估的适合性,本研究最后则根据模式推估结果提出提升公共运输使用率的相应策略。 In recent decades, with rapid economic development and dramatic changes in industry structures, population is highly concentrated in urban areas and the number of cars and motorcycles rapidly grows. As a result, problems of traffic congestion, energy consumption, air pollution and traffic noises jeopardize our living quality and even sustainability. To effectively tackle with these problems, it is one of the key transportation policies worldwide to encourage the usage of public transportation and reduce people dependency in private vehicles. Without knowing the traveler preferences and decisions in mode choice, it is impossible to propose effective measures to promote public transportation. Based on this, this study attempts to identify the key variables affecting the mode choice decisions of intercity travelers so as to propose effective public transportation marketing strategies accordingly. To do so, disaggregate logit models are estimated based on a nationwide questionnaire survey. Since the procedures in mode choice decisions across areas in Taiwan (e.g. rural areas vs. urban areas) might be rather different. Two nested choice structures, Structure 1: upper level — intercity mode choice + lower level — feeder mode choice, Structure 2: upper level — feeder mode choice + lower level — intercity mode choice are respectively estimated, tested and compared. Additionally, to account for the heterogeneity of travelers living in different areas in Taiwan with rather different quality levels of public transportation system, three different models under each of structures: rural areas, urban areas, and central business districts are developed. The estimation results show that Structure 1, the commonly adopted mode choice structure, performs better than Structure 2. However, it is worth noting that both structures are valid for the rural area model, suggesting that feeder mode choice is as important as the intercity mode choice for travelers in rural areas. Additionally, values of travel time for in-vehicle time and out-of-vehicle time in various areas are investigated to support the suitability of the estimated models. At last, corresponding public transportation promotion strategies are then proposed accordingly. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50215 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |