Title: 802.11效能自動化量測
Study on Automatic Performance Measurement for 802.11
Authors: 潘宗源
Pan, Tsung-Yuan
Tsai, Wen-Nung
Lin, Cheng-Chung
Keywords: IEEE 802.11;Wi-Fi;無線網路;效能量測;自動化測試;IEEE 802.11;Wi-Fi;Wireless Network;Performance Measuremen;Automatic Testing
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近年來IEEE 802.11無線區域網路普及率相當的高,早已是筆記型電腦、智慧型手機、平板電腦的標準配備。加上每隔幾年,就有新的規格制定、公布。於是,各家IEEE 802.11無線區域網路產品製造廠商間互相竸爭激烈,不斷的推出符合市場走向的新產品和技術,滿足終端客戶的龐大應用需求,以增加市場占有率。 然而,這不單只是製造廠商之間互相竸爭而已,更是一場時間、成本的竸賽。如何使用最短的研發時間,利用最少研發資源,促使新產品問市,除了搶得市場先機之外,同時又能兼顧產品質量,成了最關鍵的難題。 面對此一難題,本研究設計、建構一套自動化效能量測系統,我們針對IEEE 802.11無線區域網路產品整體效能表現量測的部份,提出改善方法,並實作之。本研究系統利用了最少的軟、硬體設備經費與測試人員工時,獲取最精確的產品效能表現數據。幫助測試人員更容易進行產品優劣的分析,產品質量的確認,與問題的複現。幫助研發人員更方便進行問題的釐清並迅速解決。達成產品質量控制,研發周期縮短的目標。以利快速將產品導入市場,確保市場占有率,增加廠商整體竸爭力。
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN is more popular in recent years. The bundle-rate is quite high over Notebook, Smart Phone, Tablet products. Besides, wireless network specifications are revised every few years. Due to the new requirements from end- market are very urgent, so every chipset vender must create new products and applications to fit it constantly to keep market share. This is not only a competition between chipset venders. It is also a race about time and cost saving. The key problem is how to short the development cycle and reduce R&D resource to own the market share without quality loss. Face this issue, our study presents and develops one automatic throughput measurement system for IEEE 802.11 products by using the minimum hardware and software resource. After verification, our system really can short development cycle, reduce R&D cost, keep qualities, and pull in ready-to-market timing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis