Title: | 我國業餘無線電使用者生活型態及其使用行為之分析 The Analysis of The Amateur Radio Users' Life-Style and Behaviors at Taiwan |
Authors: | 傅世卿 Shing-Ching Fuh 谷玲玲 Lin-Lin Ku 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 業餘無線電;生活型態;動機;因素分析;Amateur Radio; Life-Style; Motivation; Factor Analysis |
Issue Date: | 1993 |
Abstract: | 業餘無線電在台灣自民國 73 年開放使用,至民國 82 年年底,取得執照 者雖近 1400 人,但非法使用者保守估計卻高達 10 萬人以上,因此本研 究乃針對合法使用者之使用行為進行探討,期能增進各方了解並據以供政 策參考。研究結果發現八種顯著的生活型態因素,分別為「自由民主」、 「新潮社交」、「思想科學」、「保守安定」、「休閑自然」、「內向安 靜」、「實際知足」、「憤世嫉俗」,和四種使用動機,如「資訊服務」 、「交友研究」、「語文外交」、「消遣娛樂」。在業餘人口中,男性佔 大多數,而且多為已婚有子女者,並且多住在有自己屋頂可供使用的平房 、別墅、透天厝中。另外,由研究結果得知使用動機涵蓋了知識、娛樂與 服務,對於社會有其正面的意義。本研究在結合了人口統計變數的生活型 態做為變數的分析下,使吾人了解了業餘無線電使用者的媒介使用行為及 其中所蘊含的人文意義。本研究初探性調查,希望對於後來的相關研究有 所助益。 At Taiwan the liberalization for the use of amateur radio was made in 1984. In spite of having 1382 licences up the end of 1993, illegal user were estimated conservatively up to more than 100,000 persons. Therefore, focussing on investigating the understanding of its readers, as well as serving as reference for decision-making. Eight remarkable factors of users' life style, namely, 'freedom-democracy', 'fashion-social', 'science of thinking', 'conservative-stability', 'recreation-natural', 'introversion- peaceful', 'practical-contentment', 'misanthropic' and four motication, namely, 'information- service', 'freind-study', 'learning language', 'entertainmemt' are found. Among the sample, male users are 18 times for female users, and most of them are married and have children, also they are live in the house with the roof that can use by himself. In sum, the study was made by the life-style analysis, and all the finding will make readers to understand the amateur radio users' behaviors. The present research is an initial one employed to explore the relationship existing between the life- style and behaviors of local amateur radio users. It is expected that it would be of future related studies, to the ultimate effect of upgrading the reserch to be conducted in this specific field by local scholars and the authority. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/57792 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |