Title: 以快速退火法研製矽化鉑接觸之淺接面
Formation of PtSi Contacted Shallow Junctions by Rapid Themal Processing Technique
Authors: 顏貽棟
Yi-Dong Yan
Mao-Chieh Chen
Keywords: 離子佈植穿透矽化物,離子佈植穿透金屬,快速退火,完全快速溫度製程;ITS(implant-through-silicide),ITM(implant-through-metal), RTA( Rapid Thermal Annealing),RTP
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本論文主旨在研究以離子佈植穿透矽化物 (ITS)、離子佈植穿透金屬
(ITM)、 及以快速退火 (RTA)方式製備之矽化鉑接觸的 p﹢n 淺接面。實
大的缺陷復原能力。研究結果證實用ITM╱ITS 技術及750℃╱40s 的快速
向漏電流密度2 奈安╱平方公分,而且以ITM 方式製成的接面特性是優於
以ITS 方式製成者。此外,本研究並以二次佈植(F﹢+ BF2﹢)法製備之淺
佈植造成矽表面的非晶化,使後續的BF2﹢ 佈植中,硼離子的穿透效應減
This thesis studies the formation of PtSi contacted p﹢n
shallow junctions by ITS(implant-through-silicide)╱ITM(
implant- through-metal) BF2﹢ implantation and rapid thermal
annealing ( RTA)technique. The experimental result shows that
RTA annealing results in less boron diffusion and powerful
implantation damage removing ability. High performance PtSi/p﹢
n diodes with a junc- tion depth of about 70nm and leakage
current density of 2nA/c㎡ can be obtained with ITS╱ITM BF2﹢
implantation followed by RTA 750℃/40s annealing. It is found
that the junction characteris- tics of the diodes made by ITM
scheme are generally superior to that of the diodes made by ITS
scheme. The dual implantation ( B﹢ + BF2﹢) scheme was also
employed to investigate the effect of F﹢ pre-implantation. It
turns out that the F﹢ pre-implan- tion leads to an
ultrashallow junction with improved high-tem- perature
stability. This is apparently due to pre-amorphization of Si
surface, which reduces the channeling effect of subsequent BF2
﹢ implantation, and more effective fluorine ions incorpation
into the PtSi╱Si structure. The full rapid thermal
processing( RTP), which consists of PtSi silicidation by RTP
followed by RTA annealing, was also brief investigated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis