Title: 圖的中心及中位
Centers and Medians in Graphs
Authors: 李海晏
Hai-Yen Lee
Gerard J. Chang
Keywords: 中心;中位;強弦圖;區間圖;塊狀圖;競賽圖;;center;median;strongly chordal graph;
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 圖論□中心及中位的觀念,起源於作業研究的選址問題。為了實際應用,
位、中心、切中心的結構性質 。考慮一個圖型 G=(V,E),距離 d_G(u,
v) 表示在圖 G中點 u到點v最短路徑的長度。如果點 u到其他點的最大距
離最小則稱點 u為中心點,所有中心點所成的集合為中心集 C(G) 。圖 G
中所有具有最小距離和的點所成的集合稱為圖 G的中位集 M(G) ,圖 G的
加權中位集 M_w(G)是指加權條件下的中位集。在連通圖 G中點 v的切數
c(v) 表示圖 G去掉 v後,落在不同分圖的點所成的有序數對的個數,圖
G中所有具最大切數的點所成的集合稱為切中心集 CC(G)$ 。第一章,介
塊狀圖的加權中位集得到線性演算法。第三章,對任何有向圖 G,可嵌入
一個有向圖 H中,使得 H的中心集和 G同構;對任何不含傳達者的 n點競
賽圖 T,可嵌入一個 m點競賽圖T'使得T'的王和 T同構且 m小於 n的兩倍
;對任何具有正加權的圖 G,可嵌入一個具有正加權的圖 H中,使 H的加
權中位集和 G同構。第四章,我們得到任何圖 G的切中心集的一個輪廓和
找尋切中心集 線性演算法 。第五章,我們從G1和G2的結構討論G1和G2的
一些運算後圖型的中心 和中位集。
Consider a graph G=(V,E). The distance d_G(u,v) from vertex u
tortex v in G is the length of a shortest path from u to v.
Artex u is a central vertex if the maximum distance from u
toother vertex is minimum. The center C(G) of a graph G is the
setall central vertices. The median M(G) of G is the set
ofrtices with a minimum distance sum. The w-median M_w(G) of G
ise weightd case of the median. The cutting number c(v) of
artex in a connected graph G is the number of pairs of
verticesand w such that u and w are in different components of
G-v. Thetting center CC(G) of a graph G is the set of all
vertices withximum c(v). In Chapter 2, we show that the w-
median of a connectedrongly chordal graph is a clique. We then
give a polynomial timegorithm for finding the weighted median
of a connected stronglyordal graph. A linear time algorithm for
the weighted medianoblem in interval graphs and block graphs.
In Section 3, we embed an arbitrary digraph G into anothergraph
H such that H_{C(H)} is isomorphic to G. We prove that
antrivial n-tournament T is contained in an m-tournament, with<
2n, whose kings are the vertices of T if T contains
noansmitter. We show that for every graph G with a positive
weightnction w there exists a supergraph H with positive
weightnction w' such that w(v)=w'(v) for all vertices in G and
whose-median subgraph is isomorphic to G. In Chapter 4, we give
a configuration for the cutting centeran arbitrary graph and a
linear time algorithm for finding thetting center of a graph.
In Chapter 5, we consider the centers and the medians of
someeration for graphs G_1 and G_2.
Appears in Collections:Thesis