标题: 利用Impedance Control执行人类适应性工作的技巧转移
Human skill transfer for compliant tasks by using impedance control
作者: 林辰宗
Lin, Chen-Zong
Yang, Yu-Yang
关键字: 执行;人类适应性工作;技巧转移;自动控制工程;控制工程;电脑;切线移动方向;法线施力方向;主轴;AUTOMATED-CONTROL-ENGINEERING;CONTROL-ENGINEERING;COMPUTER;Compliant Task;Tangential Moving Direction;Normal Tool Holding Direction;Principal Axis
公开日期: 1993
摘要: 本文提出一个能复制人类适应性工作之技巧的演算法则.首先, 我们假设
人类在执行适应性工作时, 其所用的控制策略只有两种, 即切线移动控制
策略和法线施力控制策略. 其次, 我们认为人类的控制策略的本质和
Impedance Control 相似. 最后,我们设计一个结合主轴观念和时间分割
观念的法则来复制人类作过的适应性工作. 此演算法则首先建立工作座标
系统, 然后它将针对认意的适应性工作, 找出该适应性工作在切线移动方
向和法线施力方向的阻抗参数, 此阻抗参数将送给机器臂的 Impedance
Controller, 用以控制机器臂, 进而复制该适应性工作. 模拟结果显示我
们的演算法则是可行的. 对三度空间的复制工作而言, 我们的方法只须处
理 8 个参数即可, 而传统的 Impedance Control 却必须处理 30 个参
This thesis issues a concept to replicate human compliance
control strategies. First, we assume that two control
strategies, tangential moving control strategy and normal tool
holding control strategy, are enough to emulate how human being
manipulates compliant task. Second, we consider that human
control strategy can be implemented by impedance control.
Third, we develop an algorithm that adopts the concepts of
principal axis and time division to replicate human compliant
task. This algorithm will first construct the task coordinate
system. It then identifies impedance parameters for an
arbitrary compliant task along the tangential moving direction
and the normal tool holding direction for use in the robot
impedance controller. The algorithm only needs to process a
small number of parameters and can be extended to deal with
high dimensional system. The simulation results show that ours
suggestions about human compliant task are feasible. The
algorithm needs only to process eight parameters to replicate
human compliant tasks in 3-D space while the formal impedance
control algorithm needs to process 30 parameters for the same