Title: | 鋼筋混凝土橋樑上部結構之修護與補強 The Repairing and Strengthening Methodology of the Superstructure of the Reinforced Concrete Bridges |
Authors: | 林俊男 Junne-Nan Lin 趙文成 Mr. Jau 土木工程學系 |
Keywords: | 缺陷;檢測;維修;鋼板補強;後拉預力補強;defects;inspection;repair;strengthen by steel-plates; strengthen by post-tension |
Issue Date: | 1994 |
Abstract: | 臺灣地區自實施十大建設以來,公路運輸型態已有顯著之變化,市區道路高 架化已形成"橋樑即道路,道路即橋樑"之現象.由於交通量急速增加,加上 超載,天候變化及維修人力經費不足等因素,更加速橋樑老舊與劣化,除了 無法維持公共投資效益外,更造成社會大眾行的安全問題,所以對橋樑做全 面之體檢及治療,已成為當下刻不容緩之工作.鋼筋混凝土橋樑之修護與補 強並不是一件單純的事,首先是對於缺陷問題產生之原因及特徵做確認及 辨識,有助於日後修復之依據,同時也可避免以後橋樑建設時產生相同之問 題.當發現缺陷產生後,應立即做檢測之工作,以查證其嚴重性是如何,本文 提供一些破壞性與非破壞性檢測之方法,可依實際需要選擇適當之方法做 檢測.若缺陷並不影響行車及結構之安全,僅需對結構做簡單之修補;若是 已發生結構承載力不足之情況,則必須做補強加固之工作.經由國外行之多 年之補強方法比較,本文之實例探討選擇鋼板補強法及後拉預力法做分析 設計,發現補強後的安全係數都有不錯的效果,同時亦在韌性的要求範圍 內.本文是針對橋樑上部結構之修護與補強做一系列之探討,俾有助於提供 工程界參考與應用, 同時期許政府能正視此問題,以保障道路橋樑運輸之 安全. Since the Top-Ten-Constructions have been constructed,the ridge structures have became more and more important in Taiwan.ecause of the reasons of increase traffic,over load,and changef the weather,etc,the problems of damage of bridges have en-angered the safety of the structures. It is an instant work tonspect and mend the bridge structures broadly. To repair and strengthen the reinforced concrete bridges isot a simple thing. First is to recognize the causes and traintsf defects as bases, and then make an inspection to check out howerious they are. This research introduces some destructive andondestructive methods used commonly.If the defects are seriousnough to affect the safety of driving,they need to repair andtrengthen.This paper argues the methods of strengthening beamsf bridges by steel plates and post-tension,the result indicateshey are both good methods in rehabilitating the bridgestructures. This paper make a discussion about repairing and strengthen-ng the superstructure of bridges.Wish it can provide a usefulethodology,then to insure the safety of structures. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/58716 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |