Title: 臨時飛航事件班機調度因應策略之研究
Aircraft Dispatching Strategy for Irregular Flight Incidents
Authors: 盧清泉
Lu Ching Chyuan
Wong Jinn Tsai
Keywords: 臨時飛航事件;班機調度;Irregular Flight Incidents; Aircraft Dispatching Strategy
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 航空公司每天面對各式各樣之臨時飛航事件,造成班機無法按正常班表運 作,使得攸關航空公司營運與資源配置的飛航排程被迫需作適度調整,並 常導致航次延誤或取消,使航空公司產生相當程度之損失,因此,如何針 對臨時飛航事件之特性,採取適宜之班機調度措施,降低事件對飛航班表 與航空公司之衝擊,遂成為航空業者普遍關切的課題。本論文以分析臨時 飛航事件之特性與發生原因著手,構建一臨時飛航事件分類與因應架構, 以作為因應臨時飛航事件之決策輔助工具。在分類架構中,以事件發生地 點之可用資源與事件之影響程度作為分類之依據,並針對各分類之因應方 式、因應程序與可行因應策略提出說明,最後,說明可行策略之產生與評 選,以構成整個臨時飛航事件之因應架構。在臨時飛航事件之分類與因應 架構中,班機對調為事件重要因應方式之一,本研究因此特別針對此一部 份建立數學模式並採啟發式方法求解,以產生可行之班機對調方式。最後 經以華航與長榮之班表為基礎,應用本研究發展之班機對調模式與應用程 序進行個案分析,結果顯示班機對調模式與應用程序,應用簡單且可行性 高,應相當符合航空實務界應用上之考量。 Airlines suffer from the perturbation of flight schedule and have paid great attention to it. Flight delays or cancellations resulting from irregular incidents occur almost every day. Therefore, how to reduce the impact of irregular incidents is critical to airlines. This thesis begins with description of the causes and characteristics of irregular incidents. These irregular incidents are then classified by available resources on the site of the incident and level of incident impact to the airline. After incident classification, a framework of aircraft dispatching strategy for irregular flight incidents was developed. Following the framework construction, a procedure to find and evaluate feasible aircraft dispatching alternatives is proposed. Aircraft swapping is one of the important components in the developed framework. Therefore, two MP models and corresponding heuristic method to solve the aircraft swapping problem are introduced. In the final, we apply the developed models to study cases with flight time tables from China Airline and Eva Air. The results show that the aircraft swapping model and the heuristic method are simple, useful and practical.
Appears in Collections:Thesis