标题: 桥梁支撑先进工法实务研究
Practice and research of advanced shoring bridge construction method
作者: 王志宏
关键字: 支撑先进工法;营建机械自动化;advanced shoring method;automation of construction mechanical
公开日期: 2004
摘要: 桥梁工法之选择,除一般与桥长、跨径、线形及工期有关外,现今更期能达到营建机械自动化,以提高工作效率,降低施工成本为考量。但在规划设计与施工阶段如考虑未尽周详,不但无法发挥自动化工法应有的功能,甚至可能产生极为不良之后果,不能不格外审慎。所以因应不同结构设计形式及线形之支撑先进工法,提供所应注意之施工特性,并将其因素列入工作车设备设计之考量及建议。藉由亲自参与工作中所发生之实际案例,将现况发生之问题及改善方式提出,期能提供采用此工法施工时之参考,以期在观念上、技术上能有所助益与启发。
  The choice of bridge construction method, except relate to Length of the bridge, span, linear, time limit, relate to automation of construction engineering,improvement of working efficiency,reducing of the cost even more. But if does not consider when design and construct being careful, then not only unable to produce the due result of automation, even may produce the bad consequence, so it must be extremely discretion. The structural design form that should be different here and advanced shoring method of the line shape , construction characteristic should pay attention toed to put forward, list person who test and suggestion of device design in factor these. By participating in the real case that takes place in the work in person , put forward the question happened of the present situation and improve the way, for the construction which adopts this construction method in order to expect to offer reference, expect to benefit and inspire with on technology to some extent in idea.


  1. 651401.pdf
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  3. 651403.pdf
  4. 651404.pdf
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  6. 651406.pdf

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