Title: | 多媒體網路傳輸發展平台之設計 Development Environment for Multimedia Transmission on Network |
Authors: | 王志祥 Wang, Jyh-Shyang 溫懷岸 Kuei-Ann Wen 電子研究所 |
Keywords: | 多媒體;網路;實驗平台;電子白板;Multimedia;Network;Development;Electric White Board |
Issue Date: | 1995 |
Abstract: | 多媒體(Multimedia)傳輸已成為現今網路通訊的潮流。但是結合視訊( Video)、音訊(Audio)及大量圖片的多媒體通訊在現有的網路頻寬之下顯 得相當龐大且傳輸相當費時。為此陸續有研究者發展適合低頻寬網路的壓 縮與解壓縮演算法,但是大多缺乏適當的展示平台讓眾人可以實際體會其 效率與品質。本論文提出一個實驗平台,使用者可以輕易將自己發展的壓 縮與解壓縮程式外掛在此平台上。此實驗平台的網路傳輸模擬低頻寬的網 路環境,以提供一個類似使用調變解調器傳輸的網路。另外,此實驗平台 亦提供外界音訊的輸入與輸出,靜態影像的顯示,與動態視訊的展示以及 電子白板和文字交談板。使用本論文實作之實驗平台,使用者不需花費心 力設計使用者介面,亦不必設法與硬體溝通。在本篇論文之中,我們將討 論如何設計這樣一個實驗平台。 Multimedia transmission is just the current trend of the moderncommunication. Somehow with the bandwidth we have today, this combinationof video, audio and many still images would be such great amount ofinformation and the transmission could be terribly time-consuming. As aresult, people are working on the techniques to fit the very low bit ratenetwork, but mostly they just lack of the demonstration platform for theexperiment and experience of the quality and efficiency of their researchand development.In this thesis, an exprimental development platform is proposed. Thisplatform provides users an integrated environment to develop their owncompression/decompression programs with simply plug-and-play, and it alsosimulates the very low bit rate network environment similar to the MODEMtransmission. What is more, this platform supports external audio input andoutput, still image display, motional video playing and an interactivelytalking electric whiteboard. With the platform implemented in this thesis,users will save the efforts to design the user interface and to communicatewith the complicated hardware. Finally, the methodology and analysis of thedesign issues will be discussed in this thesis as well. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/60658 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |