Title: MPEG 第二級音訊編碼系統之壓縮, 優化及品質評估研究
Compression, Optimization and quality Measurement for MPEG Audio Layer 2 Coding
Authors: 徐建華
Xu, Jian-Hua
Wu, Yi-Cheng
Keywords: 編碼;壓縮;優化;品質評估;第二級音訊;資訊;電腦科學;MPEG;Layer 2;Compression;Optimization;Quality Measurement;INFORAMTION;COMPUTER-SCIENCE
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: The Layer 2 compression scheme of MPEG audio Coding is a
very commonaudio coding standard for Cd quality audio (music).
However, its encodingprocess requires a large amount of
computation. In this thesis, we propose someoptimization
techniques to make the encoding program much faster while
allowingto impair the audio quality a little. In order to
measure how much quality loss,we define criteria to say that the
encoder encoding streams with a quality lossrate equivalently
wastes a number of bits, if the encoder that completelyconforms
to the layer 2 standard can save the same number of bits while
keepingthe same quality loss rate. In our experiments, we
optimize the layer 2compression programs such that audio streams
can be encoded real time onPentium Pro 180 machine with only
0.0003% quality loss and 1.5% bits wasted,and on Pentium 180
machine with only 0.0009% quality loss and 4% bits wasted.
In this thesis, we will also propose some methods to reduce the
bitrateof layer 2 compression scheme without impairing the
original audio quality orjust impairing a little. Base on these
methods, we can reduce bitrate from256 kbps to 160 kbps that is
close to layer3's 128 kbps. At last, we will introduce a
real-time multimedia system by applyingthe layer 2 compression
program optimized by us.
Appears in Collections:Thesis