標題: 半導體設備服務之策略研究 以應用材料公司為例
A Strategic Analysis of Semiconductor Equipment Service Provider?- The Case Study of Applied Materials, Inc.
作者: 陶宜勇
Yi-Yung Tao
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 創新密集服務業模式;關鍵成功要素;半導體設備服務商;Innovation Intensive Service Model;Key Success Factor;Semiconductor Equipment Services Providers
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究的重點在以徐作聖教授所發展之創新密集服務業模式針對半導體設備服務業分析,藉由五項創新類型(產品創新、製程創新、組織創新、結構創新、市場創新)與四項客製化程度(一般型客製化、特定型客製化、選擇型客製化、專屬型客製化)所組成的創新密集服務矩陣定位,為半導體設備服務產業找出目前的競爭優勢矩陣,其中利用了以六大創新活動價值網絡的內部核心能力(服務設計、測試認證、市場與行銷活動、配銷、售後服務、支援活動)與七大關鍵構面的外部資源涵量(互補資源、研發設計、技術、生產、服務、市場、其他客戶)為主體,來為每一個策略定位進行競爭優勢的分析。
由個案分析可以得出應用材料在目前策略定位上是以產品創新的手法來達到輕度到中度客製化的服務,其所擁有的內部核心能力構面強項為C1(服務設計)與C3(市場行銷) ,此部份與創新密集服務業模型在以產品創新的策略部分所強調的核心能力一致。在外部資源涵量部分,應用材料公司在E2(研究發展) 、E3(產品設計) 、E5(服務提供)與E7(其他客戶)等構面能力較強,但尚須加強E1(互補資源)與E4(產品製造)的運用。以企業未來目標與策略企圖評量來看,應用材料公司在企業內部核心能力上尚須加強C2-4(採購彈性) 、C4-1(通路管理能力) 、C5-4(價格與品質),在外部資源涵量上則須加強E1-2(研發創新移轉能力)、E3-1(科技領先研發能量)、E7-1(創新擴張能力) 。
This thesis reports on strategic analysis of semiconductor equipment services provider, using an Innovation Intensive Service Model. Specific emphasis is placed on the strategic positioning of Innovation Intensive Service Model using a Real Competence Matrix, a combination of degrees of customization (Generic, Restricted, Selective, Unique) and types of innovation (Product, Process, Organization, Structural, Market), through the interactions between internal core competences (Design Service, Validation of Testing, Market and Marketing, Delivery, After Service, Supporting Activities) and external resources (Complementary Assets Supplier, R&D, Design, Production, Servicing, Market, Users).

A case study has been conducted to analyse Applied Materials, Inc., a leader of semiconductor equipment service provider, by using Real Competence Matrix. Through experts interview and questionnaire we concluded current strategic positioning and strategic intend for future. From the results a Difference Matrix will be generated, the strength and weakness of Applied Materials to its strategic intend will be analysed.

Based on the analysis, it was found that Applied Materials with strong capabilities at “Design Service” and “Market and Marketing” internally, which is consistant in IIS model when doing the product innovation approach.However, Applied Materials need to improve in “Complementary Assets Supplier”, “Design” and “Users” externally to meet their strategic intend.