标题: | GMSK信号在同频干扰下的性能分析 Performancd Analysis of GMSK Signals in the Presence of Co-channel Interference |
作者: | 李振升 Li, Jeng-Sheng 苏育德 Su, Yu-Teh 电信工程研究所 |
关键字: | 罗伦式分解;频率重覆使用 |
公开日期: | 1997 |
摘要: | 在行动无线通讯中,为了提高单位区域使用者的密度,频率重覆使用(frequency reuse)是主要的概念。如此一来,通讯品质不免受到同频干扰的影响。行动通讯品质可用通讯链路中断率(outage probability)来衡量,而在数位通讯系统中,通话链路中断率则由位元错误率(bit error rate)高低做为判断标准。 此外,在行动无线通讯中,通道的特性对一个无线通讯系统的性能表现(performance)是个重要的影响。本篇论文是考虑当系统处于频率选择性的衰褪通道(frequency - selective fading channel)的性能表现。在空旷的郊区或微细胞式系统中,信号和同频干扰信号很可能都会通过莱斯衰褪通道(Rician fading channel)。我们首先分析三种非同调检测器(noncoherent detector):一位元相位差检测器(one - bit differential phase detector),一位元相位差回授检测器(one - bit differential phase with decision feedback detector)和二位元相位差检测器(two - bit differential phase detector),在此情况下的性能表现。 接下来,我们则讨论利用罗伦氏分解(Laurent Decompostition)与腓特比演算法(Viterbi Algorithm)所建构的一种同调检测器的性能。 这些结果可供细胞的覆盖区域预测及基地台位置、分布规划的参考。 The service quality of a mobile communication system is often measured by the outage probability, i.e., the probability that a receiver's BER (or carrier - to - noise ratio, CIR) performance is below a pre - specified threshold. Based on the outage probability, a system's capacity is defined as the number of active users it can support without incurring outage. Although frequency reuse enhances the capacity of a cellular mobile communication system, the co - channel interference (CCI) it induces also put a limit on the system capacity. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the performance of several GMSK receivers in the presence of CCI and frequency - selective fading.We consider the case when both the desired signal and co - channel interference suffer from Rician fading. The group of noncoherent receivers we study include i) one - bit differential detection, ii) one - bit differential detection with decision feedback and iii) two - bit differential detection. We also examine a coherent receiver based on Laurent decomposition and Viterbi - type detection. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63453 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |