Title: 雷射追蹤儀輔助量測架的分析與校正
The Calibration of Laser Tracker's Assistant Measuring Frame
Authors: 程貴仁
Pi-Ying Cheng
Keywords: 反射稜鏡;雷射追蹤儀;輔助量測架;Corner cube;Laser tracker;assistant measuring frame
Issue Date: 1998
Abstract: 本篇論文主要是針對雷射追蹤儀接受光源的反射稜鏡的支撐架的量測校正做討論。首先介紹雷射追蹤儀的工作原理與實際操作時的一些限制,然後利用雷射追蹤儀並藉由反射稜鏡支撐架的輔助以非直接的方式來獲取三度空間中物體表面上的某點相對於雷射追蹤儀的座標位置。接下來將藉由一些實驗設計的方法來辨別數種演算法間的優劣,並利用最佳化的方法再增進量測的精度。然後再利用電腦模擬的方式來比較數種類型的誤差分佈,以獲得一些影響誤差大小的因素。最後利用實驗的結果來證明從模擬所得的一些推論。
The main issue of this thesis is the calibration of the assistant measuring frame of laser tracker. We propose an algorithm by statistical and optimal method to improve the measuring accuracy. After computer simulation of the error distribution of several kinds of error model and the measuring experiment, we conclude some rules to improve the measuring accuracy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis