标题: 半导体厂单元形成之整体规划模式构建
The Construction of A Cell Formation Model for Semiconductor Fabrication Factories
作者: 李 铭
Ming Lee
Muh-Cherng Wu
关键字: 半导体制造厂;布置设计;单元制造系统;单元形成;Wafer Fabs;Layout Design;Cellular Manufacturing System;Cell Formation
公开日期: 1999
摘要: 半导体制造厂的布置设计规划技术,无论是在新厂扩建或是于工厂的设备扩充时期,皆扮演着关键性的角色,而一个完善的布置设计规划,将可帮助半导体厂在营运操作时期节省至少10%~30%的制造成本,因此半导体制造厂之布置设计的规划,相当值得深植于半导体制造与管理的技术领域中。本研究之目的,拟针对半导体厂之制造单元形成的规划,亦即如何以系统化的方式将机台设备加以组织和群聚,提出一个整体规划的考量因素与阶段性的执行架构,并为达成良好之单元制造系统奠定关键的基础。
In an IC fabrication factory, an effective layout can reduce the operating cost as much as 10 to 30 percent. An IC fab. is a job shop with reentrant characteristics. To improve productivity, cellular manufacturing or group technology method has been widely applied in job shops without reentrant characteristics, yet rarely applied in IC fabs.
This research proposes a systematic method of implementing cellular manufacturing concept in an IC fab. This method involves five major stages. In the first stage, we list the requirement of machine type and their sequence for making each operation module. An operation module comprises a set of operations, and the process plan of making a product is described by a set of operation modules. Secondly, we cluster the IC fab. into several ‘processing areas’. Thirdly, for each type of machine, we calculate its effective capacity; and in the subsequent stage, we calculate the number required to meet a given production target.
In the last stage, machines in each ‘processing area’ are clustered into several groups, each group is known as a cell. A cell formation algorithm, modified from the simulated annealing algorithm, has been proposed and used in this stage. This algorithm has been tested through the manufacturing data of a typical IC fab.
1.1 研究背景与动机 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究范围与限制 3
1.4 研究方法 4
第二章 文献探讨 7
2.1 半导体厂布置设计之型态 7
2.1.1 制程导向之布置型态 7
2.1.2 群组单元之布置型态 11
2.2 单元形成问题 12
第三章 模式构建 31
3.1 问题分析与定义 31
3.2 单元形成模式之架构 32
3.3 制程流资料之分析与构建 35
3.4 制程区之规划 38
3.5 机台设备资料之分析与构建 44
3.6 机台数量之规划 55
3.7 制程区内单元形成之规划 70
3.7.1 数学规划模式 72
3.7.2 数学模式之可行解 76
3.7.3 演算法之构建与流程 83
3.7.4 最终最佳解之决定 86
第四章 实例验证 90
4.1 单元形成规划模式之执行与范例 90
4.2 资料与程式构建 91
4.3 范例演练 92
4.3.1 制程模组资料展开表构建 92 产品组合及相关制程技术组合之规划 93 制程模组资料展开表 96
4.3.2 制程区规划之执行与结果 98
4.3.3 机台设备资料展开表构建 99
4.3.4 机台数量规划之结果与执行 102
4.3.5 制造单元形成之执行与结果 104 未进行单元形成规划的制程区 105 扩散区之单元形成规划 107 其它制程区之单元形成规划 112
第五章 结论与建议 120
5.1 结论 120
5.2 未来研究方向 122