标题: 台电经营绩效综合指标之研究
Composite Indices for Performance criteria of Taiwan Power Company
作者: 古如龄
Ru Ling Ku
Cherng G. Ding
关键字: 因素分析;经营绩效;综合指标;factor analysis;performance;composite indices
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 为瞭解台电公司整体之经营绩效,并建构一套适合电力产业特性与因应国营事业特殊经营环境之绩效评估方式,期以快速、有效的衡量台电公司之营运成果。本研究经搜集文献资料分析及考量电业经营特性,并参考全球500大企业中具世界级营运水准之电力公司其营运及财务绩效指标,归纳出生产力、电力供需管理、成本、财务及电价等五构面,并纳入装置容量、发购电量、尖峰负载、线路损失等18项指标变数,以52至91年之各项经营数据,运用因素分析法建构电业绩效综合指标,经统计分析结果如下:
The purpose of this study is aimed through an overall review of Taipower’s performance at building up an evaluation scale exclusively for this power industry and state-run enterprise under a specific business environment so as to make quick reflection of its performance. A detailed literature study is first made with reference to world-class power corporations at the global top 500 level, and a five-dimension index is concluded, namely productivity, electricity demand & supply management, cost, finance and electric rates. Categorized in these dimensions, a total of 18 variables such as installed capacity, production, peak load, price, etc. are adopted as indices for further variable analysis. Using factor analysis and taking the years 1963 to 2002 as a data base, the power performance composite indices are worked out and summarized below.
1.Through factor analysis, three composite indices are extracted for performance evaluation, namely operating ability, profitability and liquidity, which account for 90.44% of the total variance.
2.The standardized scores derived from of Taipower 1963 to 2002 composite indices indicate that the results meet with its actual performance.
3.It also indicates through the above-said 2003 Performance Evaluation Scale that Taipower’s performance on operating ability and liquidity can keep pace with that of 2002; while its profitability tends declining. It is thus suggested that Taipower keep on its cost cut policy to upgrade the profitability.