标题: 主动阵列天线暨天线设计应用于28GHz视讯系统
An active Beam-Switching Transmitting Antenna Array
作者: 庄哲一
Che-yi Chuang
Shyh-Jong Chung
关键字: 微波发射单元;嵌入式;RF TRANSMITTER;Inset-fed
公开日期: 2001
摘要: 本论文针对应用于28 GHz视讯系统的主动阵列天线提出系统架构说明以及电路构装实现。主动阵列天线是由8路高频发射单元搭配嵌入式平面天线所构成,而其中每一组高频发射单元是由混频器、驱动放大器、影像讯号消除滤波器还有功率放大器所组合而成。主动阵天线可利用此8组功率放大器造成辐射功率加强的效果。另一方面,中频电路部份将中频讯号分成8路而每一路经过一相位转换器再接到高频发设单元的混频器部份,透过中频的相位转换将高频波束的方向改变。之后,对三种可应用于28 GHz视讯系统的天线结构做软体分析和实作观察。最后,并探讨为何采用嵌入式天线于此发射系统的原因。
This thesis presents the architecture and circuit design of a high power active beam-steering antenna array for 28GHz Video-Relay System. The antenna array is composed of eight RF transmitters connected with inset-fed patch antennas. Each RF transmitter includes an MMIC power amplifier, a driver amplifier and a sub-harmonic Mixer with image rejection filter. The active array utilizes these 8 MMIC power amplifiers to transmit high power. On the other hand, the IF circuitry distributes to the IF signal into eight way so each way passing through phase shifter connects to the mixer in RF transmitter. Thus, the antenna array could switch beam by controlling phase shifter. Then, describing three antenna designs (cavity-backed aperture coupled patch antenna, cavity-backed slot antenna, Insert-fed patch antenna) applied for 28GHz video-relay system. Finally, discussing why using Insert-fed patch antenna for this transmitting antenna array.