Title: 台灣核電廠網站式維護管理資訊系統雛形建構之研究 - 預測式維護及知識管理功能之強化
The study of Taiwan Nuclear Power Plants Web-Based Maintenance Management Information System prototyping – Enhancement in predictive maintenance and knowledge management
Authors: 高滄海
Chan-Hai Kao
Jaw-Ming Chen
Jiun-Shinn Lin
Keywords: 知識管理;維護管理;預知維護;預修維護;網站技術;工作流程;Knowledge Management;Maintenance Management;Predictive Maintenance;Proactive Maintenance;Web-Based Technology;Work Flow
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究主要在探討發電廠設備維護管理應如何規劃各項維護管理資訊作業,如事後維護、矯正維護、預防保養維護、偵測試驗維護、預知維護及預修維護等等工作。此外,藉由知識管理領域深入之探討,本研究建立一套流程使組織的知識可隨時捕捉、精煉、分配、使用及監視等等方法,並使其能分享在一個Internet/Extranet/Intranet之資訊環境中。本研究的主要參考模式是依據世界核能發電協會(WANO)、美國核能運轉協會(INPO)及國外著名核能供應商等之優良案例。藉由參考模式及網站式資訊科技之探討,本研究構建出一套『網站式維護管理資訊系統』雛形,整合台灣核能電廠現有的維護管理電腦系統、預測式維護、設備維護案例庫、專家系統、設備即時運轉資訊系統、專家經驗回饋系統、網路教學系統、視訊會議系統、知識管理系統…及其他維護相關系統等等於單一的人性化操作介面,提供電廠維護人員日常工作維護決策之應用。 本研究之資訊系統雛形係應用Microsoft SharePoint 群組團隊網站技術來建立『企業知識入口網站』以整合核電廠員工日常維護決策所需的各項功能使員工可充分掌握各項可用資源,提升其日常維護決策工作之品質,以提高核能安全營運績效。
This study is primarily in the research of how power plant equipment maintenance management should be planned and organized in various related tasks, such as breakdown maintenance, corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance and proactive maintenance, etc. Furthermore, based on in depth examination of knowledge management, this study establishes the process and methodology to enable the enterprises’ knowledge to be captured, refined, distributed, utilized and monitored at any time under the information sharing environment of Internet/Extranet/Intranet. This research’s referenced models are mainly based on WANO/INPO and well known nuclear suppliers’ case studies. Based on these referenced models and the exploration of the web information technology, this study has developed an “Internet Maintenance Management Information System” prototype that will integrate Taiwan nuclear power plants’ present maintenance management computer systems, legacy systems, expert systems and other knowledge management systems, such as equipment performance database, equipment real time data analysis, expert’s experience feedback system, e-learning, video conferencing, etc., into a single user friendly operating interface for daily maintenance operations and decision making applications. This research’s information system prototyping is based on Microsoft’s SharePoint web-based groupware technology in establishing an “Enterprise Knowledge Portal”, which will integrate all the necessary functions enabling plant staff to utilize all available resources in their daily maintenance work and decision-making process. As a result this will improve the quality of daily maintenance work and decision-making and enhance nuclear operation safety.
Appears in Collections:Thesis