Title: | 企業實施網路化訓練之關鍵成功因素 Critical Success Factors of Web-Based Training of the Implement in Business |
Authors: | 王舒可 Shu-Kee Wang 張保隆 Pao-Long Chang 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 網路化訓練;關鍵成功因素;WBT;CSF |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 因應知識經濟的來臨,人力資本無疑成為衡量企業價值的重要指標,因此企業紛紛積極投入內部人才培訓;網路科技的突飛猛進,讓資訊的傳遞可以跨越時空,讓學習可以無遠弗屆,因此利用多媒體電腦網路來輔助企業實施教育訓練,漸成為未來企業內教育訓練的趨勢,傳統的教育訓練環境也逐步從真實環境擴展到網路化的虛擬世界,網路化訓練(Web-based Training,WBT)即是網際網路發展下的新興工具。
本研究所發展之研究架構分為四構面共18項關鍵因子,雖然各因素對於網路化訓練的影響強度有所不同,但對於網路化訓練的成效而言,均是重要的影響因素。 Web-Based Training(WBT)solves the restrictions of timing and space of traditional training ways. WBT also brings flexible and low cost learning approach so that we can’t ignore it’s strong strength. This thesis based on WBT, trying to find out those factors influence over a company’s WBT implement performance and how they work. The results will help business to build and imply WBT more efficient and profitable. Through case studies by visiting five companies implying WBT extensively and successfully. These five companies are all belong to IT industry, including:IBM in Taiwan, HP in Taiwan, Inventec, acer and Cht. Our interviewees contain administrators and managers of WBT in their companies. This study constructs a framework with four dimensions and eighteen critical success factors. Although every individual their critical extent are not similar, but they are all contribute to the success of WBT development. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69016 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |