标题: 湿氧化砷化镓铝之金氧半电容器其电性传导与介面能态分析
Electrical Conduction and Interface States of Wet Oxidized AlGaAs MOS Capacitor
作者: 洪文凯
Wen-Kai Hung
Jenn-Fang Chen
关键字: 湿氧化;砷化镓铝;MOS capacitor;介面能态;电性传导;wet oxidation;AlGaAs;金氧半电容器;interface state;electrical conduction
公开日期: 2002
摘要: 本论文主要探讨在湿氧化Al0.98Ga0.02As改变氧化时间下,利用电流电压(I-V)、电容、电导量测来分析其介面能态与传导机制,以及计算文献较少讨论的Al0.98Ga0.02As湿氧化后氧化层之介电系数。本论文共使用Al0.98Ga0.02As在不同氧化时间下,所获得的四片样品作为实验比较之用。首先,在未氧化的样品,其电容电压的量测结果对频率几乎为无响应而近乎一个常数,表示在AlGaAs/GaAs介面并无缺陷存在。其次,由在氧化时间45分钟的样品,开始发现介面能态因为施加AC频率的快慢,以致在电容电压图中观察到其调变,表示在氧化的AlGaAs/GaAs之间有介面能态存在。之后,在60分钟氧化时间之样品,其随AC小讯号调变的影响更为明显,则表示介面能态密度更为增加,并由电容分析获得氧化层介电系数为7.82。然而,由电流电压曲线可得知样品在此氧化状况下仍无法有效阻绝电流导通。当氧化时间持续延长为150分钟的样品,发现氧化层可以有效地阻绝电流,并由电容分析发现样品不只存在了介面能态所贡献的缺陷电容,还发现了有固定电荷的存在(约 9.1x10e11(cm-2)),并且由完整等效电路模型可以获得样品的介电系数为7.69。
在导纳分析中,我们共利用三种不同的模式来分析介面能态,包括电容-频率(C-ω)、电导-频率(G-ω)、以及电导-电压(G-V)。其结果显示,在氧化60分钟之样品,为单一介面能态分布(位于0.14ev与0.28ev)。在氧化150分钟的样品则 (位于0.19ev~0.42ev)为连续能态分布,其介面能态密度数量级约为10e11~10e12(cm-2),并且发现与施加偏压有关。对于此我们提出一个理论模型来解释活化能与施加偏压的关系。最后对于利用150分钟获得之全氧化样品,我们发现其电流传导可以使用与filed-emission有关的Poole-Frenkel电流机制来解释,依此获得介电系数为7.07,并与先前所获得的结果接近。因此,我们推论对于Al0.98Ga0.02As湿氧化后的氧化层其介电系数范围为7~8之间。由拍得之SEM图像,并与R. D. Twesten以相同铝含量样品以湿氧化所获得之图像比较后,发现氧化层中含有细致尖晶石相的多晶系的Gallium氧化物颗粒,与在半导体及氧化层之间呈非结晶相的介面,由此推论Al0.98Ga0.02As经湿氧化之后将主要成为多晶系的粒状γ-Al2O3
The conduction and interface-state properties of oxidized Al0.98Ga0.02As are investigated by varying the oxidation time using current-voltage (I-V), capacitance and conductance measurements. Without oxidation, CV spectra show a constant capacitance without any frequency dispersion, implying defect-free AlGaAs/GaAs interfaces. For 45-min. oxidation, C-V spectra show frequency-dependent characteristic, consistent with the presence of interface states between oxidized-AlGaAs/GaAs. For 60-min. oxidation, the frequency-dependent characteristic becomes more prominent, indicating an increase in the concentration of the interface states. From the capacitance, we determine the relative dielectric constant of 7.82. However, I-V characteristic of this sample shows that the oxidation time is not enough to effectively block the current flow. Effective current blocking is achieved for increasing the oxidation to 150 min. Besides the interface states, we observe a presence of significant fixed charge (about 9.1x10e11(cm-2)) for such oxidized sample. From developed effective circuit model, a relative dielectric constant of 7.69 is determined.
In this study, we use three different methods, including capacitance-frequency (C-ω), conductance-frequency (G-ω), and conductance-voltage (G-V), to characterize the interface states. The result show that a single interface state (at 0.14, 0.28ev) for the 60 min. oxidation and continuous interface states (at 0.19~0.42ev) with a concentration about 1011~1012(ev-1-cm-2) for 150 min. oxidation time. We propose a theoretical model to explain the effect of the applied voltage on the observed activation energy of the interface states. Finally, we find that the I-V characteristics of the full oxidized sample, the 150 min. oxidation time, can be explained by Poole-Frenkel conduction mechanism which is based on field emission. From this theory, we obtain a relative dielectric constant of 7.07. This value agrees with the two values previously determined, leading us to conclude that a wet oxidized Al0.98Ga0.02As has a relative dielectric constant 7~8. The structural property of the oxidation layer is studied by SEM which shows a fine-grained cubic spinel phase of polycrystalline alumina and an amorphous phase at the semiconductor/oxide interface. This property is similar to the observation by R. D. Twesten, showing that the oxidized AlGaAs mainly is γ-Al2O3.