Title: | 服務品牌價值觀如何轉化成員工品牌權益:一個系統性與跨層次的觀點 A multielevel and systematic investigation on transforming service brand value into employee brand equity |
Authors: | 洪柃玄 Hung, Ling-Hsuan 蕭嬋 Hsiao, Chan 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 服務品牌;品牌價值觀;特定品牌風格轉型領導;人力資源品牌涉入;員工品牌承諾;員工品牌權益;階層線性模型;Service brand;Brand value;Brand-specific TFL;HR branding involvement;Employee brand commitment;Empolyee brand equity |
Issue Date: | 2012 |
Abstract: | 近年來由於服務業十分重視員工角色的表現,使得員工品牌權益已成為服務業欲成功經營品牌的重要管理目標。而服務品牌價值觀亦被視為是維繫服務品牌競爭力及催化品牌成功之核心動能。因此,本研究試圖回答:『服務業如何將服務品牌價值觀轉化成員工品牌權益?』。本研究整合了服務品牌、內部行銷、轉型領導與品牌權益的文獻,建立一個系統性的價值觀傳遞架構以探討服務品牌價值觀係如何影響員工品牌權益。本研究假定服務品牌價值觀可以直接引導員工建立以其為基礎的品牌權益。同時也能影響組織中的特定品牌轉型領導者與人力資源部門,並經由上述品牌價值觀為導向的角色與功能以塑造屬於個人情感的員工品牌承諾,從而提升涵蓋留任意願與工作滿意的員工態度及誘發公民行為與正向口碑來建立服務品牌的員工品牌權益。而鑑於服務品牌涉及組織研究,許多學者強調層次的重要性以處理個體與組織層次資料間具有巢套的結構特性,故本研究針對全台灣具有高度品牌形象的連鎖服務業進行量化研究,並以階層線性模型(HLM)驗證,同時也證實組織層次的服務品牌價值觀對屬個體層次的員工品牌權益具有正向的跨層次關係,以及服務品牌價值觀確實對品牌導向的領導風格與人資管理具有顯著影響;此外,這些組織層次機制對於塑造個體層次的員工品牌承諾亦具有正面的跨層次效果;最後,高度的員工品牌承諾得以正面地影響員工品牌權益的建立。本研究貢獻分為三個部分,第一,本研究將員工品牌權益領域往前推進,以服務品牌價值觀作為研究核心,對其與員工品牌權益進行跨層次之因果關係探討,此外,本研究主張服務品牌價值觀可經由系統性價值觀傳遞機制,有效地建立與提升員工品牌權益;第二,以服務品牌價值觀而言,本研究突破過去概念或質化門檻,進行服務品牌價值觀的量化問卷發展與其實證結果;最後,以方法論而言,本研究以階層線性模型來處理涉及服務品牌組織與員工個體兩個不同層次的變數資料,使針對員工品牌權益之影響來源能獲得更嚴謹的估計結果。此方法論將對服務品牌與品牌權益研究具有創新性與貢獻性。 關鍵字:服務品牌、品牌價值觀、特定品牌風格轉型領導、人力資源品牌涉入、 員工品牌承諾、員工品牌權益、階層線性模型 Since the performance of employee’s role is vitally significant to service companies in recent years, employee brand equity has become one of the critical objectives for service brand’s success. On the other hand, the values of service brand are considered as core energy to maintain the competitiveness and the success. Therefore, this study tends to answer the following question: “How to transform service brand value into employee brand equity ? “ By integrating the literatures of service brand, internal branding, transformational leadership and brand equity, this study establishes a multilevel research framework to examine how service brand value leads to favourable employee brand equity directly or indirectly. This study assumes that service brand value could directly lead to employee brand euity. Meanwhile, it has indirect effects on empolyee brand equity through a value-oriented delivery system. More specifically, service brand value would influence brand-specific transformational leadership(TFL) and human resource management (HRM), which are classified as the organizational-level factors. These value-oriented TFL and HRM would create individual-level brand commitment, and furthur improve service brand’s employee brand equity, including intention to stay, job satisfaction, brand citizenship behavior and positive word-of-mouth. Because service brands are involved in the fields of organizational research, many scholars emphasize that the cosideration of cross-level factors would resolve the problem of nested samples. Hence, this study collects the data from Taiwan franchise service companies with highly brand image, and we also adapt hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to verify the relationship between service brand value and employee brand equity. The result shows that service brand value of organizational level not only positively impacts on employee brand equity of individual level , but also affacts the brand-oriented TFL and HRM in the same level. In addition, these organizational mechanisms are strongly related to employee brand commitment, and furthur positively establish employee brand equity. This study makes three contributions as follows. Firstly, in the field of brand equity research, we explore service brand value as the core concept and discuss the causality on employee brand equity. Besides, this study finds that service brand value can also influnce the employee brand equity through a systmatic valued-oriented delivery framework. Secondly, in the field of service brand research, this study has a breaktrough to explore the qualitative questionnaires of service brand value and makes the empirical results. Finally, in terms of the methodology, this study uses hierarchical linear modeling(HLM) to deal with the data involved in different levels, and precisely analyzes how service brand value impacts employee brand equity through organizational- and individual-level factors. It is obvious that this methodology has innovation and contribution in the fields of brand equity and service brand. Key word: Service brand, Brand value, Brand-specific TFL, HR branding involvement,Employee brand commitment, Empolyee brand equity, HLM |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71733 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |