标题: 以磁珠聚集法提升数位微流体式免疫晶片之萤光侦测能力
Ultrasensitive Fluorescence Detection of Bead-Based Immunoassay on Digital Microfluidics by Aggregating Magnetic Beads
作者: 施博怀
Shih, Po-Huai
Hsu, Wen-Syang
关键字: 免疫检测;数位微流体晶片;介电湿润;磁力;侦测极限;人类肿瘤坏死因子受器1;Immunoassay;DMF chip;EWOD;Magnetic force;LOD;TNFR1
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 先前多数文献提及免疫检测晶片设计微粒操控部分,仅进行前处理的混合、清洗等步骤,并无后端以聚集操控微粒方法提升讯号灵敏度相关论述而本研究开发之数位微流体蛋白质免疫检测晶片,主要以介电湿润原理操控微液珠并以磁力聚集液珠内抗原磁珠载体,以磁力聚集方法降低侦测极限并提高灵敏度为本研究最大特点。
在此待测物为萤光标记人类肿瘤坏死因子受器1 (TNFR1),为降低背景杂讯,在倒立萤光显微镜平台进行CCD黑平衡调校,以确保背景讯号为0,并找到最适合的萤光曝光时间范围是60~80 ms,实验结果显示,最适曝光时间内较高萤光曝光时间,灵敏度变高而侦测极限降低。将抗原磁珠以磁力聚集后比起聚集前有更好的侦测灵敏度,为进一步验证在聚集侦测抗原磁珠在提升侦测灵敏度及降低侦测极限上的效能,同时以流式细胞仪进行,以TNFR1为抗原的萤光磁珠免疫检测对照组,实验结果流式细胞仪侦测极限为146 pg/ml,消耗侦测体积为50 μl;微流体晶片侦测极限为31.47 pg/ml, 侦测体积为2.5 nl。结果显示以磁珠聚集法,在改善萤光侦测效能,有提升灵敏度,降低侦测极限及样品消耗量小的三大优点。
Most of the references proposed that manipulating micro-beads to get involved in mixing and washing of immunoassay pre-process, but few about detecting sensitivity enhancement. In the research, a novel digital micro-fluidic chip (DMF chip) for immunoassay had been developed, which can create sample droplet in nano-scale by electro-wetting on dielectric (EWOD) force and aggregating bio-conjugated beads by magnetic force. The features of DMF chip are high sensitivity and low limit of detection (LOD). Take fluorescent labeled tumor-necrosis factor receptor-1 (TNFR1) as a detecting target antigen. Firstly, calibrate CCD black balance to the proper range of fluorescent exposure time from 60 to 80 ms to reduce the interference of unwanted background noise. Then the result indicated that the longer fluorescent exposure time in the proper range the more fluorescent sensitivity and the lower LOD. In addition, the fluorescent detecting sensitivity can also be enhanced by aggregating bio-conjugated magnetic beads. Finally, take flow cytometry as a TNFR1 detecting control group to prove the functions of high fluorescent sensitivity and low LOD on DMF chip. The results of flow cytometry shows that LOD is 146 pg/ml and detecting sample consumption is 50 μl. In contrast with the flow cytometry, LOD and detecting sample consumption of DMF chip platform are 31.47 pg/ml and 2.5 nl. In summary, the advantages of DMF chip in the research are high fluorescent detecting sensitivity, low limit of detection and sample consumption.