Title: 從資料庫中搜尋有關節連接的3D模型
Retrieve articulate 3D models from database
Authors: 佘美芳
She, Mei-Fang
Lin, I-Chen
Keywords: 3D模型檢索系統;3D model retrieval system
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 因為現有技術是假設所搜尋的3D模型是剛體,因此有關節相連的3D模型搜尋結果便不是那麼完美。因此我們提出了一個新的方法,讓使用者可以從資料庫中搜尋出有關節相連的3D模型。

在此篇paper中,我們提出了一個方法,可同時使用Global 和Local資訊來搜尋3D模型。Global資訊即為原本的2D 圖像(3D模型的投影圖 或是 深度照相機的某個frame)。因為有關節相連的3D 模型可能會有不同的姿勢(不同的轉角、不同的手部動作、不同腳步動作等),因此我們需要Local資訊。Local資訊即為Global資訊的Local形狀。舉個例來說,一張人型的圖片為Global資訊,其中手、腳、身體即為Local資訊。

利用Local資訊我們可以找到更多不同姿勢的3D model,即是可以增加辨別率。為了解決不同姿勢和noise的問題,我們提出了一個新的feature set可以更好的處理這些情況以及四腳動物的搜尋。

Existing methods can barely get satisfactory results since they usually assume the objects are rigid. Therefore we present a novel approach that we can retrieve articulate 3D models from database.

In this paper, we propose a novel method to retrieve models by using both global and local information. The global information is the original 2D views (projected views of a 3D model or frames of a depth camera). Since the articulate 3D models may have various pose (various orientations and diverse motions of body parts or limbs), we still need local information. The local information is the local shapes of the 2D views. Take a human image for example, the hands, lags, and the body are the local information of the this image.

By using the local information, the recognition rate is increasing, because we can retrieve much more models with different pose. Meanwhile, we also define a feature set which is robust against various pose and noise. By using our feature set, we can deal with some special case such as 4-lags animal models.

The advantage of our method is that we do not need a well-aligned model pose. Best of all, since the cost average of the cost time of each inputs is under 1 seconds, the online retrieve system is almost real-time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis