Title: 從交易成本理論觀點探討中央行政機關僱用派遣勞工制度
Explore the central executive system of hiring dispatched workers from the transaction cost theory perspective
Authors: 鄭秀娟
Cheng, Shiu-Chuan
Liou, Fen-May
Keywords: 交易成本理論;派遣勞工;中央行政機關;政府機關;Theory of Transaction Cost;dispatched workers;the central administrative authorities;government agencies
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 政府在組織與員額精簡下,各階層人力的運用改採多元化的彈性任用管道;其中在僱用派遣勞工上,政府以兼具要派者,與服務人民、濟貧扶弱、安定社會的管理者雙重身份,需要作那些考量?本研究主要是從交易成本理論觀點來探討中央行政機關僱用派遣勞工之成本負擔情形。
Under the government to streamline the organization and staffing, all levels of workers use instead of a strategy of various and flexible appointments pipeline. On the hiring dispatched workers, the government has a dual identity that is a demand unit, and a manager of severing his people, social stability, relief poverty and sickness, so what the government must consider. This study explore the central administrative costs burden of hiring dispatched workers from the transaction cost theory view.
This study complete through the relevant literatures, the relevant correspondences、surveys or studies of central administrative authorities , and other information. To explore the central administrative authorities what kind the cost items of hiring dispatched worker bear, which cost connotation save, and which the impact on society bring. To infer and made 5 propositions, then use the relevant statistical information to made a preliminary validation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis