Title: 動詞空間—以行為特質重組空間關係
The Verb Space - The Space Reconfiguration by Behavior
Authors: 黃遠君
Huang, Yuan-Chun
Keywords: 空間機能;使用者分析;行為分析;空間組織;program;user analysis;human behavior;configuration
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 人作為空間中的使用者,如何藉由置入建築元素而增進人與人 之間的互動,或者讓空間產生故事性,是本論文所重視的議題, 因此探究空間的組成必須回到分析「人的行為」本身。 一般的建築計畫通常會以「名詞」指定空間機能,例如:廚房。 而以「人的行為」來思考的空間則是以動詞定義的,例如:一 個做菜的空間,動詞性的空間組成因此回到最本質的探討,做 菜空間需要的元素是什麼?做菜空間的性格是什麼?由此得出 特定行為所需要的的空間性格,進而衍生成空間敘事。 本論文以4 種建築型態(裝置牆面、三代同堂住宅、建築系館、 社區中心)藉由「基地觀察→議題設定→機能再定義→空間組 織」的設計手法,討論如何以「動詞」重新定義空間機能,尋 找不同「動詞」彼此的相容互補性,讓機能重疊,創造新的組 合方式,促使原本不相關的使用者能共存在一空間中,增加互 動的機會。 然而倚賴使用者行為分析的設計方法也存在過於偏重實用主義 的危險。某些未被具體化的需求、對於環境的感受性都將因此 被忽略。在此種設計方法中,人與自然的重要性恐次於人與人、 人與建築的關連性。 整體而言,以「動詞」來思考空間可跳脫名詞性的制式化空間 形式,將制式化的空間關係鬆綁,使更多空間組織的可能性被 發掘,正是用動詞思考建築機能所想得到的結果。
Since people are the users of space, this thesis focuses on how to enhance interaction between people and to generate narratives in the space by architecture strategies. Thus, to study the configuration of the space, we must return to the analysis of “human behavior ". General architecture brief usually uses "noun" to describe the program, for example: the kitchen. While defining a program by human behavior uses "verb", such as "a space for cooking." In this way, I explore the essence of space, and ask "What are the characteristics of a cooking space?" This leads to the image of the scenarios. I use four projects with different building types to discuss "how to redefine the program by thinking in verb?" The design strategy follows this process: site observation→issue setting→program redefinition→space configuration. The thesis intends to combine and overlap similar or complementary programs, and increase interaction by prompting unrelated users into the same space. However, the design method based on the analysis of human behavior has the risk of overly value pragmatism. If the behaviors are not visualized or seems unnecessary, it might be ignored. This approach put emphasis on relation of "human-human", "human-space", rather than "human-environment". Overall, "verb-thinking" is a way to avoid being framed by "noun-thinking", and to deregulate the conventional form. The objective of this thesis is to explore the potential of program and configuration.
Appears in Collections:Thesis