标题: 三五族碎能隙异质接面穿隧式场效电晶体之随机变易特性的模拟与探讨
Simulation and Investigation of Random Variations for III-V Broken-Gap Heterojunction Tunnel FET
作者: 徐志纬
Hsu, Chie-Wei
Su, Pin
电子工程学系 电子研究所
关键字: 异质接面穿隧式场效电晶体;随机变易特性;heterojunction TFET;random variability
公开日期: 2014
摘要: 这篇论文藉由三维蒙地卡罗模拟比较和探讨了金属闸极功函数变异与源极随机掺杂变动对于三五族碎能隙异质接面穿隧式场效电晶体、同质接面穿隧式场效电晶体与鳍式场效电晶体的影响。我们的研究指出在闭态时异质接面穿隧式场效电晶体因具有碎能隙结构,对功函数变异有较高的感受性,而启动态时则是鳍式场效电晶体有较大的电流变异性。利用在源极端增加一未掺杂的区域可减轻功函数变异对异质接面穿隧式场效电晶体的影响。在源极随机掺杂变动方面,异质接面穿隧式场效电晶体较同质接面穿隧式场效电晶体与鳍式场效电晶体有着较大的电流变异,而源极随机掺杂变动对于异质接面穿隧式场效电晶体闭态电流的影响会随着降低源级掺杂浓度下降而上升
This thesis compares and investigates the impacts of metal-gate work-function variation (WFV) and source random-dopant-fluctuation (source RDF) for III-V broken-gap heterojunction TFET (HTFET), homojunction TFET and FinFET devices using 3-D atomistic Monte Carlo simulation. Our study indicates that the HTFET exhibts higher susceptibility to WFV near OFF state due to its broken-gap nature. For ON current variation, both the HTFET and homojunction TFET show better immunity to WFV than the III-V FinFET. Device design using source-side underlap to mitigate the impact of WFV on HTFET is also assessed. Under source RDF, the HTFET exhibits larger current variations than the homojunction TFET and FinFET. The impact of source RDF increases with decreasing source doping for HTFET near OFF state.