標題: 主題地圖之研究與應用:以漫畫圖鑑為例
A Study of Topic Maps for Online Illustrated E-book of Caricature
作者: 古典
Tien Ku
Hao-Ren Ke
Wei-Pang Yang
關鍵字: 主題地圖;關聯式資料庫;延伸標記語言;數位典藏;Topic Maps;Relational Databases;XML;Digital Archives
公開日期: 2004
摘要: ISO/IEC 13250標準中規範的主題地圖 (Topic Maps) 是一種用來管理大量非組織化資訊的工具,在浩瀚的資訊海洋中,扮演著知識定位、資訊橋接的角色。主題地圖包含了三個核心元素—主題 (Topics)、關聯 (Associations) 和資源指引 (Occurrences)。當使用者對某個特定的主題感興趣時,可透過資源指引直接連往相關的資源進行閱讀,同時也能從層層的關聯中迅速找到和這個主題相關的其他主題,易於導引使用者在特定的資訊組織架構中探索。
Topic Maps, as defined in ISO/IEC 13250, are designed to solve the problem of large quantities of unorganized information. In the vast ocean of information, they play a role of knowledge positioning and information bridging. With the three fundamental elements -- topics, associations and occurrences, Topic Maps, which collect links to related resources and build connections from a particular topic to others, can help users navigate and explore within some specific information domain.
In this thesis, we use Topic Maps to construct an online illustrated e-book of Mr. Liu Hsing-Chin’s caricature works. As chosen as the knowledge source of the illustrated e-book, “阿三哥大嬸婆遊台北” and “阿三哥大嬸婆遊寶島” delicately described the early times in Taiwan, and mentioned a lot of local features. In order to introduce users to the characters, events, places, objects, and related resources in the two works, we analyze their contents and gather a great deal of local information, such as famous products, history, geography, traffic and traveling information. On the basis of the analysis and the information gathered, we use Topic Maps to integrate the knowledge content with related resources and develop a value-added application of comic digital archives.


  1. 361801.pdf
  2. 361802.pdf
  3. 361803.pdf

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