Title: 應徵者履歷表資訊對招募者適配知覺及雇用推薦意願之影響
The influences of applicants' resume contents on recruiters' fit perception and hiring recommendation
Authors: 許璦如
Hsu, Ai-Ju
Tsai, Wei-Chi
Keywords: 履歷表;個人工作適配知覺;個人組織適配知覺;個人主管適配知覺;雇用推薦意願;resume;perception;person-job fit;person-organization fit;recruiter-applicant fit;hiring recommendation
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 回顧過去文獻,在篩選階段招募者對於應徵者的履歷表資訊知覺對應徵者雇用推薦意願有正向的影響。而近年來個人與環境適配也被學者們所重視,Kritof-Brown等人(2005)的後設(meta-analysis)研究更明確指出個人與環境適配是一個多面向的觀點。因此本研究擬探討在篩選階段,招募者對於應徵者履歷表中呈現的資訊內容,是否會影響其對應徵者的適配性知覺;進而探討招募者對於應徵者的雇用推薦意願是否會透過對不同適配知覺的評量所影響。
In the field of selection and recruiting, past literature has indicated that recruiters’ impressions on job applicant’s resumes have positive influence on hiring recommendation. Moreover, the importantce of individual and work environment fit on hiring recommendation has also been stressed in recent years. According to Kritof-Brown et al. (2005)’s meta-analysis, person-environment fit is a multi-dimension construct. However, how different facet of fit influence the hiring recommendation and which information presented on the job applicants’ resumes influences the recruiters’ perception of applicnats’ fit have not explored deeply yet. Therefore, the study examined whether the information presented on the job applicants’ resumes will influence the recruiters’ perception of applicants’ person-job fit, person-organization fit and recruiter-applicnat fit in selection processes. Furthermore, the study also examined the mediating role of recruiters’ different fit perception on the relationship between resume content and their intentions to recommend the applicants.
This study employed field study to collect data from 226 campus recruiters, assessing the graduate students’ resumes on campus recruiting activities in seven schools in Taiwan. Results indicated that the recruiters’ assessments of the presence of job-related degrees, majors and work experiences on the applicants’ resumes are positively related to recruiters’ perception of person-job fit. Moreover, more information related to work experiences on the resumes brings about person-organization fit perception. The applicants’ degrees, majors, and extracurricular information presented on resumes are positively related to the recruiter-applicant fit perception. However, the information of academic achievements alone does not have positive relationship with the perceptions of person-job fit and recruiter-applicnat fit. The study also indicated that the perception of person-job fit and person-organization fit has a mediating effect on recruiters’ intentions to recommend the applicants. Nevertheless, the perception of recruiter-applicnat fit does not influence recruiters’ intentions to recommend. The research also provides some managerial implications for job applicants and enterprises. The research limitations and suggestions for further research also discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis