Title: 以數位科技近用模式初探蘭嶼數位落差之研究
An exploratory research on the digital divide and access to digital technologies in Lanyu
Authors: 陳群典
Chun-Tien Chen
Liang-Wen Kuo
Keywords: 數位落差;蘭嶼;數位科技近用;原住民;Digital divide;Lanyu;Access to digital technologies;Aborigine
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 科技時代中,善用電腦及網路,等於擁有了無窮無盡的資訊,而缺乏設備或是技術能力者,將成為資訊時代下的新弱勢,本研究焦點為距離台灣百里之外的蘭嶼,這群被認為是弱勢族群的達悟人,目前發展資訊科技的狀況為何?數位落差的狀況為何?   為探索蘭嶼數位落差的現象,本研究訪談了二十二位蘭嶼當地的達悟人及資訊教師,並透過問卷調查的方式調查了蘭嶼國中的學生,以van Dijk所提出數位科技近用模式從動機近用、物質近用、技能近用、使用近用,逐步分析蘭嶼目前數位落差的問題。 本研究發現蘭嶼目前對於電腦、網路的使用動機仍然以娛樂或工具性為主,在物質近用以經濟因素為擁有資訊設備與否最主要的問題,島上的學習資源缺乏、資訊教育也略顯不足,同時仍有諸多因素限制著使用近用的實現。 最後,本研究針對所發現的現象提出建議,希冀能夠彌平蘭嶼的數位落差。
In the technological era, using computer and the Inetrnet well means owning endless information and knowledge, however, the group lack of equipments or ability to use technology will become technologically disadvantaged which lost the opportunity to compete and survive in the information era. This research discussed the condition of developing information technology and digital divide in Lanyu, a distant island from Taiwan. In order to exploring the real fact of digital divide in Lanyu, the researcher had interviewed 22 local people, including the teachers who teach information skills, as well as used questionnaires based on van Dijk’s access to digital technologies mode, conducting junior high students. The study discovers that the local resident use computer and the Internet only for fun or work; the economic affects owning computer and the Internet or not; lack of learning resources and information education restricts the usage of technology. In the end, researcher suggest some way to solve the digital divide in Lanyu according to the fact in the result.
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