Title: 不同類型電影的用色特徵
Characteristic Color Usage in Different Film Categories
Authors: 吳芳怡
Fang-Yi Wu
I-Pen Chen
Keywords: 電影類型;用色特徵;色彩內容分析;Film categories;Characteristic color usage;Color content analysis
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 自電影從黑白邁入彩色之後,色彩就成為電影形式美感的重要一環,其應用包括了模擬自然的真實顏色、營造情境氣氛或是表達某種意念的手法等等,本研究藉由分析不同電影類型的色彩,藉以了解不同內容形式的電影所展現的用色特徵。 研究中選擇愛情文藝類、恐怖驚悚類、喜劇類、科幻類、動作冒險類五種電影類型作為分析對象。每類選擇三十部影片,每部影片透過數位色彩統計軟體處理,獲得該片對比、飽和度、亮度、紅色、綠色、黃色、藍色的數值,經由計算可獲得每一類型各項色彩資訊的平均值和平均標準差。藉由圖表整理分析和單因子變異數分析,來獲得各類型影片的色彩特徵以及比較不同類型用色的異同。 研究結果發現在我們所選擇的五個類型中,用色風格呈現出兩種群聚,一是愛情文藝類和喜劇類,一是恐怖驚悚類、科幻類和動作冒險類,兩組群的用色特徵差異大,彼此皆與另一族群在色彩資訊上有多項顯著差異。愛情文藝類和喜劇類同為對比高、亮度高,以紅、黃色調為主的電影類型,恐怖驚悚類、科幻類和動作冒險類為對比低、亮度低,紅、黃色調較少,藍、綠色調較多的情況。恐怖驚悚類、科幻類和動作冒險類與另外兩類相較下藍、綠值較高,但各自的紅、黃值與藍、綠值相近,因此除了科幻類因藍色值高而較容易有偏向藍色調的情況外,恐怖驚悚類和動作冒險類並無明顯地以那一色調為主。此外,科幻類型的亮度、紅色、綠色、黃色、藍色成分的平均標準差皆為五類最高,顯示科幻類的影片的亮度、紅、綠、黃、藍值容易因為不同片段而有幅度較大的變化。每一類型共通點為綠色值都為最低,表示電影較少充分運用綠色色調,而飽和度在各類型都無顯著差異,顯示影片鮮豔程度與類型無直接關聯。
Since the invention of color films, color has become a crucial element in the languge of films on both the aesthetical and expression accounts. The typical usage of color in a film includes realistic color rendering, shaping the psychological atmosphere, and abstract expression, etc. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristic color usages in different film categories through analyzing the color content of films in each category. Films are classified into five main categories, i.e., Romance, Comedy, Horror & Thriller, Sci-Fi, and Action & Adventure. From each category, 30 films produced in the past 10 years were sampled for analysis. The content of a given film was sampled at a rate of 1 frame/10 sec. A custom made software, Color profiler 1.02, was used for extracting the contrast, saturation, brightness, red, green, yellow and blue values of all the sampled frames. The extracted color information was then subject to further statistical anlysis. We found that among the chosen five film categories, the patterns of coloring can be divided into 2 groups- one comprised of Romance and Comedy, another Horror&Thriller, Sci-Fi and Action&Adventure. The color usage and color information in these 2 groups differs significantly. The result shows that colors in Romance and Comedy tend to be of higher contrast and luminance and are rich in red and yellow while that in Horror&Thriller, Sci-Fi and Action&Adventure are of lower contrast and luminance and are more balanced in blue and green. Nevertheless, the latter group shows similar strength in red, yellow, blue, and green, which means that except for the blue-tinted Sci-Fi, Horror&Thriller and Action&Adventure have no distinct color tone. Sci-Fi films usually show highest average standard deviation of luminance, red, green, yellow and blue in these 5 categories. This indicates that colors of Sci-Fi films tend to vary greatly as the story progresses. Every category shows lowest value in green and there is no significant difference in saturation across categories. The green color is the least used in all types of films and the saturation of color is impartial to all categories.
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